Give Treatment to Wastewater and Save Environment

Author: Kv Gopalakrishnan

The process of removing contaminants from wastewater and converting it into a less harmful effluent and can be reused is called wastewater treatment.

A wastewater treatment plant cleans sewage water so that it can be returned to the environment. Wastewater treatment plants remove solids and pollutants, break down organic matter, and restore the oxygen content of treated water. There are three stages in the wastewater treatment plant process:• Primary wastewater treatment• Biological wastewater treatment• Industrial wastewater treatment

Primary treatment of wastewater includes the sedimentation of solid waste within the water. Biological treatment of wastewater includes the oxidation process to further purify wastewater from tiny microbes and bacteria. Industrial treatment of wastewater includes the removal of phosphates and nitrates from the water supply.

The wastewater treatment industry is to reach USD 674.72 billion by 2025 due to a rise in demand for freshwater for drinking, industrialization, and agriculture. Treated water is suitable for various end-uses such as river-flow maintenance, drinking, the supply of industrial water, and irrigation.

An industrial wastewater treatment plant is developed close to where the wastewater is released. This is called on-site treatment. An alternative way is to collect and transport wastewater to the industrial wastewater treatment plant is through a network of pipes.

One of the top leading wastewater treatment industries in India is the ATE. With a team of highly qualified and experienced professionals, ATE Enterprises have established their position and expertise in wastewater management. For industrial wastewater treatment, ATE Enterprises Pvt Ltd uses value-added products such as enzymes, micronutrients, and microbial cultures for optimized process performance and enhanced operating efficiency.

Apart from wastewater treatment, Ate also serves a wide range of industry verticals like textiles, dairy, sugar and distillery, pharmaceuticals, petrochemicals, chemicals, healthcare, food processing, and construction. With a partnership with Huber, Germany, ATE also supplies specialized wastewater treatment equipment all across the world.

Any textile industry has to pay equal attention towards environmental concerns as of productivity or quality. Every modern textile industry has a keen interest in biological wastewater treatments. However, the situation has improved much in the past few years. AAA technology has gathered a lot of popularity improving biological treatment efficiency while minimizing sludge generation for textile industry wastewaters.

The latest wastewater treatment plant that ATE Enterprises Pvt Ltd has introduced is a packaged sewage treatment. It is a sewage treatment system in a single capsule. It uses a 2-stage anaerobic-aerobic biological process and the packaged plant enhances the efficiency of treatment. The treatment process takes place in a single capsule and requires no civil construction, which results in saving space. The anaerobic-aerobic treatment offers saving in power costs in comparison to other conventional systems.

Apart from the packaged sewage treatment, ATE Enterprises also has a wide range of wastewater treatment and recycling solutions for various industries and are now the leading exporters of the wastewater treatment plants in India. ATE Enterprises is now recognized by the Ministry of Commerce & Industry (Government of India).

With a growing population and increasing global complexities, wastewater management has become quite important.