Tools and Strategies for a Healthy Lifestyle this Mental Health Month
Mental health impacts the lives of millions of Americans every year with depression and other serious mental health conditions like schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, contributing to homelessness, disability, and billions of dollars in lost earnings. Proper treatment is the key to a good life. Sadly, people fail to get the help they need due to fear, stigma, and lack of understanding which is quite prevalent.
The month of May has been designated as the Mental Health Month where the objective is to underscore the significance of mental health, reduce the stigma of mental illness, and highlight ways to cope with an existing mental health condition. This year the focus of the Mental Health Month is to explore the connection between one’s overall lifestyle and their mental health. Adopting healthy measures in day-to-day living and developing positive habits can boost both physical and mental well-being. Even small lifestyle changes can play a key role in preventing the onset of a mental health condition.
Here are some tools and strategies in relation to mental health and wellness in New York City that can help you start your journey toward a healthy lifestyle:
Humor/Comical Aspect- It is a tendency to become overwhelmed with anxiety whenever life throws a curveball. You need to learn to approach difficult situations with a sense of humor which can help reduce your burden, improve your mood and strengthen your immune system. Remember, stress hormones over time can be damaging for your body and mind so you need to take out time each day to laugh which can be done by reading a funny book, watching a comedy show on TV or a funny TV show, or sharing hilarious anecdotes with friends/family.
Socialization- See a drastic improvement in your mental health by doing things you love to do with people you care about and love. According to studies, people with social connections are 50 percent more likely to have long shelf life than those who stay in isolation. Moreover, people who take part in sports and leisure activities are less likely to develop depression or dementia. Trying new activities or meeting new people may seem daunting in the first place so what you can do is start by joining a recreational sports team, taking/signing up for a class, volunteering for a good cause, etc.
An Animal as a Companion- Science agrees to the fact that animals can bring much joy and emotional support. As per studies, spending time with a beloved pet can decrease stress, lower blood pressure, and combat loneliness. Adopt a dog or cat for companionship for a positive impact on your overall quality of life.
Religion and Spirituality- According to studies, people who identify as religious or spiritual have a lower risk of depression, suicidal thoughts, and substance abuse regardless of one’s preferred method of spirituality. There are many interpretations attached to being spiritual or religious, while some people pray or read scriptures, some others perform meditation or yoga to talk to a higher power. Religion and spirituality gives a sense of purpose in the world which is more than enough in reducing overall stress levels and improving mental health.
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