Nature has bestowed upon us many gifts, one of which is medicinal plants. The ancients knew and understood the science behind these herbs and used them regularly for relief. They developed the field of Ayurveda, a medical science based completely on plants and their qualities. Taking a page from their book, we have developed a basic guide of medicinal plants and flowers for you to grow in your home. These plants can be used to treat common ailments such as cold, lethargy, puffiness, burns, stings, and some allergies. While the common public continues to place its faith in homeopathy and allopathic tablets, only few realize the worth of nature’s gifts. Even if you are not suffering from anything, simply consuming them in small amounts will help keep your mood light, your stomach healthy, and skin clear.
One factor to keep in mind before you begin self-medicating is to check for allergies. These plants contain compounds which may not be suitable for everyone. Secondly, do not consume anything before conforming with your family doctor or an Ayurvedic expert. You do not want an adverse reaction. The plants mentioned here are common and safe for everybody but maintaining a degree of caution is necessary. Thirdly, do not try to treat any serious ailments yourself. Problems like third degree burns and asthma need advanced medical help. Grow these plants at your home with great care and attention. Do not use pesticides or fertilizers. They make the plants unfit for consumption. Not all parts of a plant are meant to be consumed. Follow this blog or research on your own about the parts that are helpful and harmless.
If you are averse to growing them on your own, order one online using an online flower and plants delivery in Jaipur service.
This is the most common plant present in every religious home in India. Holy basil or ‘Tulsi’ is regarded as sacred in the Indian subcontinent. Apart from the holy reasons, the basil has several other benefits. The common basil is used as a salad garnish as well as a condiment in several dishes. Its natural flavors lend a nice taste to some Indian dishes. It also contains a host of other vitamins and mineral which can fight common ailments. It can be used to reduce stress, reduce inflammation and swelling, prevent microbial rashes, boost metabolism and digestion, and improve immunity.
The chamomile flower is full of anti-oxidants and is commonly used as an ingredient for herbal teas. It also cures a variety of other ailments. It improves skin clarity, relieves pain, relieves constipation, and reduces muscular swelling. It can be made into a tea by drying its flowers out completely in the sun and crushing into a powder. Or it can be turned into a paste of essential oils and applied topically.
This plant is considered a weed by most gardeners and uprooted without giving much thought. But as it turns out, dandelions are amongst the most useful plants out there. The leaves can be used salad garnish, the roots can be turned into a healthy tea to sip every night, and its sap is a great skin ointment. The nutrients in it is great for your bone health, your teeth, your skin, and liver health. It also acts as a great detoxifier after a night of binging on alcohol.
Another ingredient commonly found in Indian homes. It is used to add a spicy flavor to almost all Indian dishes. But very few know that it is a great medicine for cholesterol, blood pressure, Alzheimer’s, dementia, ageing, and other cardiovascular diseases. It can be consumed raw or heated on a pan with a little salt and eaten too. Cooking it can cut into its potency, so consider consuming it raw.
Parsley is often used as a garnish on biryani, daal makhani, and other Indian dishes. It adds aroma and flavor to the food. It is an herb that no Indian kitchen can make do without. Additionally, it has several health benefits due to its high concentration of anti-oxidants and vitamin K. It is good for the stomach, reduces bloating, and relieves stress. Use it to make a healthy brew or a tea. Or simply garnish it on top of the food.
Commonly known as ‘Mirch’ in India, it is a staple ingredient in all food. It adds spiciness to all our foods, something without which an Indian kitchen cannot function. It contains a compound known as capsaicin which is responsible for its spicy nature as well as other health benefits. It helps people reduce pain, swelling, and improve digestion, metabolism, and circulation. It is used as a condiment in many dishes. Some people prefer to consume it as a pill or add it to their drinks for a spicy kick. It is also part of Fireball, a famous cocktail.
Source of the Article: https://giftzbag.com/6-medicinal-plants-flowers-keep-home/