Why Blog? The Benefits Of Blogging For Your Company.

Author: Digital Marketing

For you who are wondering why you should create a blog for your company besides the company´s website, the explanation is simple.

The website is created to display a fixed content that will not be updated as often.

On the blog, it's different. After all, the blog is created to have new content in a regular periodicity.

In a blog, you can communicate with your audience, informing news, launching products and services, and more.

In a website, this cannot always be done, since it is a more basic page, made to present information that does not change so fast, such as means of contact, company location and types of products and services that are offered.

Now that you've understood the difference between a website and a blog, I'll show you why having a blog for your company can help your business grow.

Better placement in Google

Having a blog with interesting articles for your audience is one of the secrets to reaching the best positions on the search pages. This is because Google's main indexing criterion is the quality and frequency of content published within the site. Thus, the organic traffic of companies that own a blog is significantly higher when compared to those that do not, especially if all the work is done by a professional Digital Marketing Company.

More credibility

By creating a blog with tips, trending, and news, you can provide enlightening insights that make it easy for the customer to shop around. In practice, this channel helps you establish closer communication with each consumer, even if he or she is not yet ready to purchase your product.

In other words, the blog assists in building the credibility of your brand, ensuring that consumers remember your product when it finally comes time to buy it.

Continuous interaction

The blog is an excellent tool to keep in touch with new and old customers. After all, it promotes an engaging and spontaneous dialogue, stimulating the consumer to follow the latest publications of your company.

More results in social networks

With a blog, you can innovate your posts on social networks by publishing not only short sentences with pictures but also calls for your articles. In addition to enhancing the content of your fan page, posts with reading calls stimulate social sharing and, consequently, the dissemination of your brand.

Permanent presence

Unlike traditional media such as TV, banners, and flyers, the blog is a channel of constant visibility. Stop and think: if you stop broadcasting a TV ad, your presence in the media becomes non-existent.

However, if you decide to pause blog posts, your already written content will remain there, attracting new visitors. Of course, an upgraded blog will always yield better results. However, old publications will never be a lost investment.

And having said this, two warnings are always pertinent:

Quantity does not replace quality. All the advantages cited are worth for quality content, which adds value. The frequency of posting is not at all interesting if the posted content is not.

Sinning by excess is possible. At some point, too frequent posts will annoy your readers. Nobody has time to absorb content constantly. Your ideal posting frequency will require a little test and retest.