Quickest Way to Build Credit – Easy Steps to Become an Authorized User

Author: Benedict Kemper

To be specific, living in the 21st century, your credit profile is all that determines your further creditworthiness. Having no or poor credit thereby indicates you're reasonably a risky borrower opposed to anyone with a higher credit score in the credit market. Consequently, you’ll require paying higher interest on your mortgage loans if not absolutely rejected by lenders. So, is there any way out, especially under the situation when you’re on the lookout for the quickest way to build credit due to any of your emergency needs!

Yes, while no traditional ways can help you out, one that can boost your credit rate instantly is adding you being an authorized user by a credit card holder with an excellent credit record. Basically, once you’re added to that primary cardholder’s account, it will display as your credit outfit to potential lenders as you simply inherit the credit history of the account you’re added to. Regardless of you’ve no credit score or poor status, just by piggybacking, you can steadily, quickly and dramatically boost your credit profile.

How to Become an Authorized User

Possibly, you must be well aware of the traditional way of piggybacking which has been a very a common way in the arena of the family unit for over the years. It is, in the same way, simply by paying a few bucks you can piggyback on the creditworthiness of an individual with responsible borrowing and paying habits. Being an AU on someone else’s credit card, you don’t even require using the card for building higher credit. As and when the primary cardholder pays back his/her bills on time, it benefits you with increased credit score simultaneously as their credit score increases. Instead of working with a stranger, ensure that you go through a tradeline company that specializes in the area and helps you access the quickest way to build credit responsibly and lawfully. The biggest advantageous point of being an authorized user that you don’t have any responsibility to pay for the card while enjoying the benefits of having a lender-pleasing credit report.

Quickest Way to Build Credit – 7 Steps

  • Spend time to research corporate websites of reputable companies focused on authorized tradeline sales and prepared to piggyback you as an AU to one of their loads of tradelines (credit cards).
  • Check the tradelines or credit cards available with them where you can find clients holding cards like Bank of America, American Express, Citibank, Chase to name a few;
  • Have an online free consultancy that will help you choose the most suitable tradeline to meet your need. Also, during this session you will come to know the details of terms and conditions;
  • Submit the required information along with documents as required to get through the agreement process;
  • Get the agreement paper, sign and pay the changes to add you as an authorized user.
  • You will get a confirmation message once get added.
  • Get your credit score boosted in the next 60 days. (Typically, the time taken by the banks to inform your score to the credit bureaus.

Improve My Credit Fitness offers services to build your credit score that helps to reach your goals such as opening a new credit card, buying a home, finance a car, get a new job, or simply move to a new place. To know more, visit improvemycreditfitness.com/blog.