Multi Tenant Call Center Solution and Its Benefits

Author: Samir Doshi

Communication is vital for business success. Thus, businesses use top technological inventions so they can take benefit of ongoing and omnichannel communication. From lead generation to lead conversation and from sales to customer relationship management, in each operation of business different communication solutions are used. When the size of the business increases, the need of a more advanced communication solution arises. The traditional telecommunication or conferencing solutions are not enough. The most suitable solution to meet growing needs of communication in the growing business is the call center software.

The call center solution comes with a wide range of features which not only meet the communication needs, but it also helps in assuring the best quality of communication and service. It also helps in taking some major decisions.

The multi tenant call center solution is one of the most advanced type of call center software. It has all features of the standard or advanced call center solution. Furthermore, it provides a list of features related to the tenant support. The tenant is a sub-account. The tenant call center solution can be created by the main admin from the admin call center software panel. Once the sub-account aka tenant call center software is created, it can be used to run all call center related operations or business operations such as, sales, lead nurturing, new lead generation, etc. Each tenant account can have different call center software features. Each tenant account works independently from each other without disrupting or knowing the campaigns of other tenant account. The main admin call center solution gets the logs of the tenant accounts so the admin can check reports and how each tenant is performing.

The multi tenant call center software is perfect for big call centers or big companies that have multiple branches or have multiple departments. It is also good when the call center or company runs various call campaigns to meet different business goals.

The multi tenant call center software is a full fledged call center solution. A majority of multi tenant call center solutions can be accessed via a web based panel, which makes its access and

maintenance even easier. The multi tenant call center software can be installed and setup within 24 hours.

Key benefits of multi tenant call center solution:

There are many benefits of using the multi tenant call center solution and here is the list of the major advantages of the same:

  • Easy to setup and install
  • Quick installation
  • No requirement of major infrastructure changes
  • Easy to use and operate
  • Available at cost effective rates
  • Centralized system
  • Assured quality of service
  • Increased sales
  • Increased productivity
  • Increased revenues
  • And more

The multi tenant call center solution can be used by any organization or company. It is available at one time investment and lifetime use as well as at a monthly fee. One can choose to buy the one as per his / her budget and need. You can also choose features based on the communication need and growth graph of the company.

In a nutshell, the multi tenant call center solution is reliable and robust solution that can support your growth and success and take you to the next level.