Which One is Best for You Amarnath Yatra Fixed Departure Tour or 2 Dham Yatra from Haridwar?

Author: Rakesh Bhadula

Amarnath is in Jammu and Kashmir. Kedarnath and Badrinath both are in Uttarakhand, the newest state of India. Kedarnath and Amarnath temple is dedicated the Lord Shiva who is one of the oldest god according to Hindu Mythology. On the contrary Badrinath is dedicated to Lord Vishnu who is also one of the three old god or the creatures of the universe according to Hindu Mythology. These three tourist spots are very famous for the Indian pilgrimage tourists. Tours and travellers company provides Amarnath Yatra Fixed Departure Tour for those busy public who could not afford any late in time of arrival to the home location. Though Kedarnath and Badrinath is in same state the tourist operators named the Journey as two dham yatra. The journey to get the mokshya of life is started from Haridwar so the journey is called 2 Dham Yatra from Haridwar. These three temples or the yatras is might be in different states but each of them is in the lap of famous The Himalayas.

Fixed departure tour means where the departure time is fixed. In fixed departure tour no days will be harmed beyond your leave from daily work. The tour operator arranges the transportation and you will be depart from the tour in said time. Amarnath is 12756 feet high from sea level and 141 kilometres away from Srinagar in the foot of The Himalayas the cave situated. Most of the year, the cave is surrounded by snow. Only from June to August the snow falling stopped and the cave is opened for the pilgrimage. This time only, the pilgrimages can do Amarnath yatras. According to the Puran Lord Shiva left Nandi The Bull in Pahalgam which is also known as Bail Gaon. At Chandanwari he released The Moon from his Jata. On the lake Sheshnag he released his snake and at Mahagunash Parvat left his son Ganesh. At Panjtarni he left behind the five essential elements of life Earth, Water, Air, Fire, Sky as a symbol of sacrificing the earthy world. After the Tandava Dance Lord Shiva entered in the cave with his divine consort Parvati.

Kedarnath and Badrinath are the two famous spot for Indian pilgrimage. Actually Kedarnath, Badrinath, Gangotri and Yamunotri are the famous 4 dham to the Indian pilgrimage. This journey is started from Haridwar. Some people want a prolonged tour, some have time issue. That is why tour operators provide a short version of 4 dham. The bonus addition of this tour is Haridwar, this is the place where the Bhagirathi river came to the plain region from The Himalayas.

About the Author:

This article is written by well experienced author who share some useful information about Amarnath Yatra Fixed Departure Tour and 2 Dham Yatra from Haridwar. You can put you doubt regarding Amarnath Yatra Fixed Departure Tour or 2 Dham Yatra from Haridwar on him.