What are the Clips on Pants Hangers for?

Author: Lexie Mitchell

According to an industry market research report dubbed, "Industrial Laundry and Linen Supply Industry in the US" by IBIS World, the laundry and dry cleaning industry gets $16 billion every year in the US alone – and there is a good reason for that. Not to mention the hours that go into cleaning, pressing, and ironing clothes.

If you don’t store your pants the right way, they may end up catching dirt. Handing them incorrectly will also mean more wrinkles and creases, and consequently, more ironing and more time wasted. In addition to that, you are also putting your pants at risk. Hanging them incorrectly is likely to damage the pants – meaning you’ll have to replace them more often. So, other than saving you the stress of ironing the pants, proper hanging can save you money.

If you are wondering whether or not you are using your hangers correctly, here are some ways to do it right. We will also tell you how to hang your pants on a clip hanger correctly.

Picking the right hanger

Your choice of hangers can either make or break your efforts to keep your pants straight. That’s why you need to do your research to find the right hanger for your needs – whether it’s the standard hangers, or clip and clamp hangers. Hanging your pants on a clip hanger

The clips on pant hangers are meant to grip your pants in position. If you have several pants that you want to hang, then you can buy clip hangers in bulk because a single one can only correctly hold one pair of pant.

Using your clip hanger

  • If your pants are too wide for the hanger, you may want to fold them into two (vertically) to prevent creasing.
  • If your wardrobe is small, you may want to fold the pants vertically and then horizontally so that your pants don’t touch the floor.
  • Clip your pants’ waistband on the hanger and adjust the clip so that it’s about an inch from the outside of the waistband.
  • You can also place an index card or any other stiff paper between the fabric and the clip to prevent indentation marks on the pants.
  • Hang the clip hanger holding your pants in your wardrobe in a place where they’re less likely to be interfered with.
  • Overstuffing your closet

    If you are using the correct hanger for your pants and are hanging your pants correctly but still find that your pants are creased or wrinkled when you want to wear them (or sell them in case of a store), then its highly likely that your closet is overstuffed. When your wardrobe has too many things, your pants won’t hang straight because they will be touching other clothes. In which case, you can opt for a bigger closet, have extra storage, or use a multiple pants hanger. If you are running a store, you may also want to check an EAS system for the security of your clothes.