What is The Difference Between Orthodox and CTC Method of Tea Production?

Author: Abhishek Dixit

CTC Tea Myths Busted

There are two major methods used for processing tea and they are CTC or crush, tear and curl method and the orthodox method. Tea is very homogenous in terms of looks and flavor, but it is still available in a variety of grades. Not many people are aware of the fact that tea leaves are graded before being packed, this grading system entirely depends on the authenticity, purity, and quality of the tea leaves. So you can always find very good quality CTC tea if you look at the right places. As mentioned before, based on the production process, the tea can be classified as orthodox and CTC.

CTC VS Orthodox

There are two main categories and they are CTC and orthodox. CTC or Crush, Tear, Curl tea is a method of producing what we call black tea, where leaves are passed through many cylindrical rollers with serrated blades that process the tea and shape them into even-shaped pellets. The end product looks very homogenous, and the pelletizing of the leaves gives immense room for adulteration. Orthodox teas are high priced and are valued highly because they are loose leaf teas produced by traditional methods which involve plucking, rolling, fermentation or oxidation of tea leaves. So it will be safe to say that, while CTC is a capital-intensive method, orthodox is a labor-intensive method

The orthodox method as the name suggests, is an age-old process, of hand plucking and hand rolling of the tea leaves, because of which leaves keeps their properties intact. Tea is mass produced using the CTC method, the leaves can be processed in a few hours and ready to be packed for sale. It is a cost-effective, capital-intensive technique which yields quintals of tea leaves, therefore satiating the market’s demands for tea leaves.

How to Buy Best Quality CTC Tea?

CTC tea has many different grades, be sure to get registered on Teafloor to avail excellent CTC tea offers and deals. Even though it is not hand rolled, CTC tea is loaded with antioxidants and is pretty good for health. By no means is it harmful to health and is excellent for energizing the body in the morning and throughout the day. In the CTC method, tea leaves are tossed into cylindrical rollers which have hundreds of teeth to grind and pulverize the tea leaves and convert them into small pellet like structures. This homogenizing of the tea leads to adulteration, which is a big nuisance. Teafloor is home to the best CTC tea leaves and you can procure them at affordable prices. Teafloor is known for conducting strict quality checks on its products, so you will definitely find something which is definitely worth the money. You can fetch the best quality CTC tea leaves from the Teafloor website.

Buy CTC Tea Online from Teafloor

By no means does this variety of leaves harm your system, in fact, it has antioxidants and minerals which are beneficial to the body. Adding honey to your CTC tea blend will help in making your brain function better and improve mental alertness, so be sure to have a cup of this brew early in the morning. Named after its method of production, CTC tea is easily available across India, but it is Teafloor where you must source it from if you wish to invest in good quality leaves.