Reward of Prayer in Masjid e Nabvi
Prayer or Salah is the second pillar of Islam and someone could not become a practical Muslim unless he/she performs it five times a day. In fact, Prayer was granted to Prophet Muhammad (SAW) at the time of Israa. Prophet Muhammad (SAW) requested God to forgive his Ummah and in return, God gifted the package of Prayer five times a day. Though the package of Prayer contained fifty Salah, it was decreased until five as for easy perform from Ummah (Muslims). Yet, God did not decrease the reward of five Salah but it remained as fifty Prayers.
Though there is the great reward of Prayer offering from the Muslims elsewhere, however, the reward of Prayer offering in Masjid e Nabvi is more than seventy times rather than that. That’s why people who go to perform Umrah obviously offer the Prayer in Masjid Nabvi. If you want to offer the Prayer in Masjid Nabvi, so avail London Muslim tour package and reach the Prophet’s Mosque. Masjid e Nabvi is indeed the second grand Masjid of Islam which was constructed by Prophet Muhammad (SAW) in Madinah after the migration. In the early time it consisted of simple materials but as the strength of Muslims increased it was apparently extended in the era of each ruler.
When Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was appointed as the leader of Madinah in the result of making the better condition of the city as well as resolving the conflicts of different tribes, so the Muslims were called in Madinah who migrated from Makkah to Abyssinia. They were warmly welcomed form the people of Madina who devoted their properties for them.
The family members of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) dwelled in the area of Masjid e Nabi. But after their demise, the dwellings have become part of Masjid. Though they included the part of Masjid, yet their signs have remained in the form of pillars or lines.
Masjid Nabvi offers a peaceful and blessed atmosphere to the pilgrims who are really in the fatigue state after performing all rituals of pilgrimages. They take a peaceful sigh as they enter it. After taking the rest pilgrims first visit the Roza Rasool (The Sacred Chamber) and offer Fatiha (greetings). As they recite a blessing on the near of Roza (Grave) so their offering at once reaches to Prophet (SAW).
As the Messenger of God said that those who call for blessings on the earth elsewhere, their every need will be fulfilled not only in this world but hereafter. And the day of Resurrection I shall be their witness as well as an intercessor. Moreover, they recall the blessed signs of different cottages of the family members of the Prophet (SAW).
Muslims have a keen desire to visit Masjid e Nabvi as well as to offer the prayer in this great Mosque to get the huge reward. Though visit Masjid Nabvi is not the part of any pilgrimage either Hajj or Umrah, yet pilgrims who go to perform major or minor pilgrimage through cheap hajj and Umrah packages, they eagerly set off a journey towards Madinah after proceeding pilgrimage.
However, those who do not have access to visit Masjid Nabvi, they can also get huge reward by performing the supplications such as Tahajjud, Ishraaq, Chaasht or Salat ul Tasbih.