What to do when you have Low or no Donor Area?
When you look at a person who has a bald head, it is sure you treat him as an older person. It is quite natural that healthy hairs on the scalp signify youngness and the person with sick hairs are considered as older people. Dr. Kinnar Kapadia is known as a trusted hair doctor in Ahmedabad for the treatment of hair loss. He says that baldness is the reason for several psychological disorders like low self-esteem, low confidence, depression, and inferiority complex.
This is the reason that all the hair loss patients require to have proper hair loss treatment. If we talk about a proper hair loss treatment in India, hair transplant surgery is the best solution available in the Avenues clinic of Ahmedabad.
The main procedure of hair transplant involves the removal and insertion of hair grafts and generally, the patients ask about the area that works as the donor site.
In this blog, we are going to tell you about the importance of the donor site.
To understand the concept of donor hairs, you have to read about the progression of baldness.
Progression of Male Pattern Baldness
Male pattern baldness is a genetic problem that affects the hairline, temple area, and crown area. This progression of male pattern baldness is steady and it is quite possible that the patient does not observe the initial signs of baldness. The progression of baldness is divided into seven stages and every next stage is more severe than the previous one. At the peak stage of baldness, only a thin layer of hairs is observed on the scalp. This region is generally the back and sides of the head and called donor area.
Why is it called the Donor Area?
The back and sides of the head are called donor site because the hair transplant surgeon remove the hairs from this area and transplant to the recipient area. These hairs are baldness resistant and do not fall after the insertion of hair grafts.
As you may observe that donor region is the most important factors for the success of the hair transplant surgery.
Therefore, the hairs growing on the donor site should be thick and dense if the patients wish to have a successful surgery.
What if the Hairs are not Thick and Dense?
This is a problematic situation for any patient if the donor area is weak because the surgery depends on the quality of donor hairs. However, the surgeon can solve this problem by applying some ideas.
The first idea is a body hair transplant. In this procedure, the surgeon may use any part of the body as the donor site. For example, chest, beard, mustache, eyebrows etc. However, this idea works for only the follicular unit extraction technique and not for strip surgery.
It is also possible if the surgeon decides to improve the strength of the donor site by performing PRP hair loss treatment.
If the surgeon and patient both agree, the surgeon may use whatever is available wisely to restore only a specific area of the scalp like the hairline.
If you have a weak donor site, you can talk to a hair doctor in Ahmedabad by visiting the Avenues clinic. The surgeon is going to treat you accordingly.