Corporate Social Responsibility in India

Author: Ragu Satz
Corporate Social Responsibility means many things to HCCB, one of the Top 10 FMCG companies in India. From rain water harvesting, rural development, groundwater recharging, the company has done it all, setting its sustainable development goals high with each endeavour. Some of these endeavours have taken it to a point where they have become one of the lowest consumers of water, consuming only a staggering 0.023% of the water used by all industries in India.To leave the earth a better place than how we inherited it, a slogan that is the first in everybody’s mind at HCCB. An ideal any company in the manufacturing sector needs to be keen on. To improve the lives of the people around it and to give back to the very same environment that has helped fuel its growth. And when it comes to something like that, HCCB has never fallen short of its responsibilities.With an approach that involves waste water treatment, efficient water management, and plastic recycling, the company does more than just reduce its carbon footprint. It gives back to the ecosystem, leaving it better than before.

Corporate social responsibility in India is an issue taken seriously by Hindustan Coca-Cola. The reason? It’s more than just giving back to the community. HCCB believes that it is part of the community and must responsibility contribute to it. There is a need to enrich the lives of the people they live among. This impact must be positive and improve the lives and living conditions of the community.

Hindustan Coca-cola, as a part of corporate social responsibility in India, runs many CSR activities. These three examples will give you insight into the kind of initiatives that Hindustan Coca-Cola runs.

Encouraging Entrepreneurship

HCCB’s Entrepreneurship Development Program trains local community members to run their own businesses. To do this, HCCB tied up with the Centre for Entrepreneurship Development of Karnataka and ran Entrepreneurship Development Programs at Jogardoddi, Byravanadoddi, Abbanakuppe and Medanahalli.

Assisting Model Villages

HCCB lends support to model villages. Medanahalli, a village in Ramanagara located close to our Bidadi and Aranya factories, was one such model village. HCCB helped such villages grow and any missing facility was installed. For example, at Medanahalli HCCB improves facilities of Water, Health and Sanitation, Sustainable Agriculture, and Education.

Encouraging Education

Education is crucial for a community to progress. With HCCB, corporate social responsibility in India and education go hand-in-hand. In partnership with the Panchayat and the local administration, HCCB took an initiative to repair the dilapidated local school in Nemam, Tamil Nadu. The classroom was repaired, desks were added, the library restored, and books and bags were given to the students.

At the heart of it, corporate social responsibility in India is a focus for Hindustan Coca-Cola because a happy community means happy customers and happy employees. For Hindustan Coca-Cola, it’s about spreading happiness throughout the community.