Would You Fax In 2019?

Author: Ifax App

It is quite hard for small businesses, solo and entrepreneurs to approach with the same level of professionalism and credibility as compared to established businesses, companies and brands. Even with a visually attractive website and alluring mobile site, they aren’t able to compete and the only possible way seems is to go for online fax system when you quickly need to send and receive confidential documents.

Conventional fax machines present a set of limitations in carrying secure transmission of documents. A paper-based fax document lying on an office fax machine or multifunction printer can be a security and compliance risk for the company. Even an in-house fax server is prone to the security threat and can create security vulnerabilities if the server is not encrypted. The images stored on a fax machine is also another vulnerability considering for a business’s confidential data.

Moreover, with more and more adoption of digital modern technology, fax by internet or online fax services or fax over IP (FoIP) is gaining momentum. This has simultaneously also reduced the once widespread usage of traditional fax machines. Similar to e-mail, online fax is also nothing more but than sending & receiving faxes in digital or computerized form. Since, there is no fax machine, ink, toner, a fixed phone line is involved, not only it saves valuable resources but also paves the way in becoming an eco-friendly way of faxing.

Internet faxing is absolutely reliable because for each and every fax you’ll send is bound to reciprocate with delivery notification, unlike the traditional fax machines where there is only one to way to make sure and that is by calling the person on the other hand. With an internet fax services, you can gladly avoid the noisy transmission that comes from the fax machine. You can easily add a digital signature and sign the received faxes securely and fast. No more need to take a print to sign it and then fax it back again. Another salient advantage of internet fax service is that it will digitize all your messages, quickly allows you to search and retrieve any specific document.


Low cost



No fax machine

No installation

No need for a telephone line

Environmental friendly

Efficient and Speedy

When you decide to opt to send and receive faxes online via smartphone, you’ll have to download the said mobile or web application as per the applicable operating system. They are available to download for Android, iOS, Windows, etc. You just need to choose as per your business needs and can start faxing on the phone. There are many other fax service providers who also offer you to transmit a fax to email service. Internet fax services are becoming a sensation these days, which allows you to send and receive documents from your mobile device

Unlike, fax servers which are expensive to maintain and incurring from time-to-time repairing & maintenance cost associated with the traditional faxing; cloud faxing requires no routine maintenance or repair work. Moreover, Cloud faxing enhances security and helps maintain compliance with current data security and privacy standards.