Tips to improve your interview skills 

Author: Rajeev Sharma

Landing a job in this competitive generation has definitely become harder, as potential employers want only the best of the best for their company. While most people applying for a particular job will have more or less similar qualifications, the one place where you can definitely shine and stand out, and prove that you are worthy of the spot more than anyone else for the job. If you're very unsure of yourself, then you can always opt for interview skills training or job interview trainingtto gain more confidence for your interview, but for now, here are 5 genuine tips for how you can be the best version of you at your next interview.

1. Dress to impress

Like it or not, the first impression anyone will ever make of you is based on your appearance. If you are really serious about the job, then make sure you have dressed appropriately, in neatly pressed formals, and if you are a woman, then keep your make-up light and your hair neat. Dressing well for the interview instantly shows the interviewer that you are serious and they will start the interview on a positive note.

2. Body language

Even when you are not speaking verbally, your body speaks for you during an interview. The way you sit, how your hands move, and your posture all speak a lot about your confidence at the time of an interview. Make sure to not cross your legs, keep your spine straight and not to fidget too much with your hands during an interview. This makes you look confident and sure of your answers.

3. Practice your answers

Even if you are very sure of yourself, the stress of the interview can get even to the best of us, and we might tend to fumble and stutter during the interview trying to find our words for the answers. The best way is to either visit an interview skills training class to get an expert opinion, or to practice with a friend, askin them to be the interviewer, and ask you all possible questions that might pop up during the interview, so that you are as prepared as you can be.

4. Do your research about the company

As any job interview training centre will tell you, you should never go in for an interview without knowing the basic information about the company. The interviewer will most likely ask you what you know about the company and why do you want to work at this company in particular. So make sure to have all the information ready before going in for the interview.

5. Ask questions

A rookie mistake people make is saying 'No' when the interviewer asks if they have any questions. Asking questions makes you seem interested in the company and it's also your chance to get more details about the job role and responsibilities.

We hope these tips help you at your next interview, and for more professional training, you can always visit a job interview training or an interview skills training class to get professional help.