The Most Common Dental Problems

Author: Peter El Shoura

Most of the dental problems are preventable. A simple routine can help prevent most of the oral diseases. But, most of us don’t care about our oral health until something goes wrong. With inadequate dental care, gums and teeth may become diseased and shrink. Brushing twice a day, flossing daily, eating healthy foods, restricting sugary foods, and regular Kellyville dental visits are crucial steps in preventing dental issues. Familiarising yourself with the most common dental problems and their causes can help you prevent it. Here is a list of the most common dental issues.

Tooth decay

Tooth decay is one of the most common dental problems among Australians. Dental reports find only half of Australians brush their tooth twice in a day, and it is also found that about 90% of adults have some form of tooth decay. Moreover, a lot of Aussies don’t go to the dentist Kellyville until they have a significant problem. Tooth decay occurs when plaque forms on teeth and combines with the sugar and starches of the food you eat. It produces acid and affects tooth enamel. The best way to prevent tooth decay is to brush your teeth twice in a day and visit the Kellyville dentist regularly for professional cleaning.

Gum disease

Gum disease is the major cause of tooth loss. It is also known as periodontal disease is an infection of the gum surrounding the teeth. While everyone is at the risk of gum disease, it commonly occurs after age 30. Smoking is one of the most significant factors that contribute to gum disease. Also, poor oral health leads to gum disease. Visit the dentist immediately if you notice that your gums are bleeding.

Mouth Sores

There are several types of mouth sores, and it may not last more than two weeks. Canker sores should be monitored, and it can be problematic if it doesn’t go after two weeks. It is contagious and triggered by different causes. Mouth sores are also seen in oral thrush, a yeast infection of the mouth that can be seen in denture wearers, infants, and people with diabetes.

Tooth sensitivity

It is also a common problem that affects millions of Aussies. Tooth sensitivity occurs when the teeth are exposed to cold or hot foods and drinks. Sensitive teeth can be treated if you visit the dentist early.

Bad Breath

Oral cancer, gum disease, cavities, and dry mouth are some of the dental problems that can cause bad breath. A mouth wash may mask the odour, but it may not treat the dental problem. If you have chronic bad breath, visit the dentist as early as possible.

The author is a blogger and a dentist in Kellyville. Along with the team of dental professionals, he provides dental treatments in a calm and safe atmosphere. Visit for more details.