Ghamama is one of the historical mosques in Madinah
Ghamama is an Arabic term which means "cloud". Masjid is located about 300m south-west of Masjid-e-Nabvi. People who live near the area of barren land particularly visit Masjid in order to offer the prayer for rain during famine days. The reason behind specific for rain prayer is that once some people joined Prophet Muhammad (SAW) while the journey to request for rain during the worst famine. Thus, Holy Prophet (SAW) performed the Salat ul Istisqa (supplication for rain) and resultantly black clouds covered the sky and in no time rain was blessed which moisturized the soil.
Salat ul Istisqa is indeed the Sunnah of Prophet (SAW) which is performed during the famine and meager rainfall. Moreover, it is also performed to enhance the level of water in the streams, rivers and well, etc. Salat ul Istisqa is performed after the sun rises and has risen up to the length of a spear; after 20 minutes of sunrise likewise, Eid Salah that is also performed 20 minutes after sunrise almost. To make it purest, several people arrange one of the driest or sandiest places where they get extreme heat. They perform it under the tropical sun which means they are going to submit their will to God in the harsh trial. That’s why in return, God accepts their pray and grants them what they desire. Al-Bukhari and Muslim report that during the addressing on the day of Friday from Prophet Muhammad (SAW) a man entered the mosque and said: "O Prophet of God we have no means of transportation to the making journey. Appeal for us for rain." The Messenger of God prayed for rain three times in same moment by saying "O Allah, grant us with rain. Anas (RA) reported that he was a witness at that time there had been no clouds in the sky and at once behind the mountain, a cloud appeared and in no time it reached the middle of the sky and started to fall the rain. Though clouds really give the good news before bursting, yet people should pray for its blessings as the people of Aad and Noah got extremely destruction under the cloud. Their signs are still found in Arab land from the people who go for pilgrimages through umrah hajj Packages either major or minor. Although Muslims strongly believe in Tauheed, yet every time they should pray as a cloud appears in the sky.
Therefore, the religious recommendation is that upon seeing the rain in the sky people should say the following pray: "O Allah, make it a blessing rain. People who fear to see the black clouds along with lightning they should say the following pray: "O Allah give us pity and do not give us atonement, disasters, annihilation or flooding. O Allah, send the rain woods, farms, and trees". Spurt it around us and not upon us.
Furthermore, some reports say that there is also the spot in Masjid Ghamama where Prophet Muhammad (SAW) performed the Janaza (funeral) prayer of Najashi "the Emperor of Aksum in Abyssinia (Ethiopia)". Before accepting the Islam Najashi had Christian religion who had migrated to his country in order to escape the oppression of the Quraysh.