Digital Marketing

Author: Saurabh Rawat

Digital Marketing is the New Age Method that helps you boost your business and make you stand out from the rest. We use Digital platform to advertise your products and service and also improve your reputation that will help increase your business growth. In Digital Marketing we use search engines to increase the flow of traffic and generate engagements.

Social media plays a vital role in your business it can make it or break it. There are more then 3.2 billion people with an internet connection if you use your social media platforms wisely you can boost your business and interact with Audience communicate with them and help them solving their grievances and problems also create and good image of the brand.

Search Engine Marketing is Online Promotion of your Website helps you increase your website visibility in the search engines and also increase SERPs ranking. We just don’t boost your website but we also make your presence felt in the online space to help you get genuine traffic and grow site engagements.

Search Engine Optimization as the name suggests is used to optimize your search results ranking by doing submissions of your Website with different types of submissions like Directory, Social Bookmarking, classified, blog, article, guest posting, image, forum, video, infographics, etc.

Content is king and if you need genuine traffic and leads. Content is one of the tools you need to have in your arsenal if you want to get top of search engines and have a good social media presence content is the way. In 2019 if you really want to get to the top and earn money at the same time you need to have some value before you ask something from them. Business is a two-way process you give something and get something in return there no other way around.

Email Marketing is one of the ways to promote your product and services and boost your sales up to 10% if you do it right. Sending a commercial message to a group of people about your product or sending a preposition.

In Email Marketing every message you send to person has the potential of becoming a customer but when you send someone an email their certain words and symbol you can’t use if you do then your email will automatically go into the spam folder and your chances will shrink to nothing.

Pay Per Click Method used to get traffic on your Website and take it to the top using paid advertisement. It is a popular technique to generate traffic that will convert into leads Google AdWords generate 50% better than organic results. Most businesses earn double the amount they invest in Ads but there is also cost involved. Cost of ads mainly depends on keyword and what traffic does that keyword get monthly. Cost of a keyword depends on various factors and how much you set CPC according to it determine your ad place and traffic it brings through a search engine.

Video Marketing means when you promote your website/business through video ads. 5 billion videos are watched YouTube on a daily basis and 1300,000,000 people use YouTube. Advertising your business through videos is cheap and cost so little.