href="">Dental care

Author: Ananya Sharma

Good oral health is indispensable when it comes to maintaining excellent overall health. The aim of oral hygiene is to prevent the formation or buildup of tartar and plaque. This ensures a healthy gum and keeps a check on dental diseases. With proper dental care, it is possible to prevent several common oral problems.

For instance, the mildest form of periodontal disease is gingivitis and is possible to reverse with appropriate care. Similarly, Periodontitis is another condition that can occur in cases when untreated gingivitis causes irreversible damage to the soft tissue and surrounding bone of the teeth. Hence, it becomes crucial to opt for regular check-ups with your dentist and take dental care seriously.

Common dental care treatmentsIt is important that you are aware of the common dental issues and the treatment options available for the same. In the run, mentioned here are some of the most common dental care treatments that you can benefit from.

  1. Dental FillingsThis treatment intends to restore a tooth’s structure and function, which could have been lost because of trauma or decay. It involves removing the decayed portion of the tooth aids in filling up the gap thereby restoring form and function. Dental fillings can also help repair a tooth that wears off due to h nail biting or teeth grinding and cracked or broken tooth.
  2. Dental BracesBraces help in straightening or aligning the teeth and guide them to the right position. Usually done by using brackets, wires, and bands, they can help with jaw correction, irregular positioning of the teeth, smile aesthetics and improvement in chewing. New esthetic techniques like clear aligners are also available nowadays.
  3. Root Canal TreatmentThe tooth is a 3-layered structure consisting of the enamel, dentin and the Pulp. In case the decay affects just the first two layers, restoration or filling can correct it. However, in case the decay has made it to the third layer and has caused infection or inflammation, a root canal treatment becomes a necessity.
  4. Wisdom teeth removalThe third molars, also known as the wisdom teeth are the last to erupt and people usually get them in late teens. However, in several instances, the teeth erupt in the early twenties or at times, late adulthood. It can prove to be an asset if it grows without any interruption. Still, in the majority of cases, the third molars are malaligned and are better to get away with, as poorly aligned teeth can cause damage to the adjacent teeth.
  5. DenturesThese artificial teeth act as a replacement for the missing teeth and tissues. These are removable appliances and enable normal functioning for the human mouth. Dentures can be complete or partial depending on the number of teeth that are missing.
  6. Dental ImplantsAn ideal solution for replacing missing teeth, the dental implant holds wide preference. Preferably made of titanium, the dentist inserts the implant directly into the jawbone to function as the root of the teeth. Once the insertion is complete, the implantologist would proceed to attach a crown atop the implant to make sure that the teeth appear natural. These implants don’t just feel and look like the natural teeth but would also function like one.
  7. Teeth WhiteningThis is the process of getting rid of any stains from the surface of the teeth and restoring back the natural color. Teeth whitening are among the most popular and widely opted for cosmetic dental care procedure. With advanced technology these days, such treatment procedures can give long-lasting and reliable results.
  8. Dental CrownsThe crowns are essentially caps shaped like the teeth and placed on the teeth in order to restore the size, shape, and appearance. They help in enhancing the tooth’s strength. Dental crowns are the best available options in situations wherein a major part of the tooth is missing. After successful placement, the tooth would be able to normally function again.
  9. Advanced Gum TreatmentAt times, the gum line can get inflamed and can develop to affect the surrounding bones that support the teeth. Better known as Gum disease or Periodontal Disease, it happens due to the growth of bacteria in the mouth. Notably, gum disease has affected over 70% of the people at some point in their lives. Even though it is a prevalent disease, the majority of the people are unaware of problems that come with it.

BottomlinePatients exhibiting any kind of oral discomfort must visit a dental professional to seek prompt treatment. It is important to remember that a person’s lifestyle would have an influence on every aspect of their life and most importantly, dental care. Preventive measures can begin at home by choosing to brush two times a day, flossing limiting intake of soda and visiting the dentist on a regular basis.

To know more about complete dental care, feel free to approach us. Our specialist dentists will eliminate all your confusions and suggest the best treatment depending on your existing dental condition.