Top tips for preventing hacking practices

Author: Adam Mathews

Hacking can be defined as an unauthorized intrusion on someone's device or network. Hacking practices can be performed for many reasons such as stealing someone's personal information, for monitoring the activities, stealing funds, and even for performing and malicious or criminal act under your name.

There are various techniques for hacking someone's device or network, some common hacking techniques and their preventive measures are mentioned below:

Baits the target

People use baiting techniques from centuries for reaching their targets. Similar to classical baiting practices; hacking is alluring the targets with digital means. For example, you are searching a dress online. After sometimes, you may search for anything; you can see various pop-ups and advertisements in your browser pages offering good deals on dresses. An attacker can send some malicious advertisement or pop-up showing a tagline "30% off on your dress!" You instantly hit the pop-up and malware enters in your device which creates a loophole in your network by which the attacker easily enters in your device. If you don't want to fall into hacking threat then avoid clicking on unreliable or suspicious pop-ups.

Cookie Theft

When you browse something on the internet; your browser store cookies which hold some information about your searches such as financial data, your credentials, etc. Cookies can be stored in simple or in an encrypted way. Nowadays, browsers are usually saving cookies in encrypted form. If your cookies get stolen; the hacker can decrypt the cookie and access your personal information. Unsecured network or we can say the public network is the best place for the hackers for stealing the cookies. If you want to keep yourself safe; never use public Wi-Fi for performing banking and other important work. You should use a VPN while using public Wi-Fi.


Eavesdropping can be defined as a passive way for listening or we can say monitoring the data packets. Packet sniffing and interception techniques are generally used for eavesdropping. An unsecured network is a gift for eavesdropping.


Malware such as Trojans and spyware are used for stealing data from the target's device. Trojan can't install and activate itself. Human interaction is necessary for activating Trojans. Hacker can send Trojans in the form of a pop-up. When you click on the pop-up a setup will install and when you click on the installed file; Trojan get activated and perform the task they are designed for. If you want to keep yourself safe from malware then install which can provide protection for Trojans, spyware and all other malware which can harm your device and network.

MitM attack

Man in the Middle or MitM works similarly as its name. It intercepts the data stream of the sender and receiver. MitM creates two channels; one between himself and sender and other between himself and receiver. When the sender sends some data, hacker read that data and then pass it to the receiver. The attacker can also insert new packets or steal data packets from the network. If you want to secure yourself from MitM then you should always use a VPN. www McAfee com activate Livesafe VPN creates a secure tunnel between the sender and receiver and transfer the data in encrypted form which means hacker can't access your data.

Some other hacking techniques are watering hole and WAP Attack, phishing, DoS, etc. If you don't want to get into any hacking practices then you should always use the internet with safety measures.