Technology in the present

Author: Divya Raletta

Technology in the Present

What is Technology?

In a Short term -Technology is a thing which full-fill our needs.

There are many types of Technology:-

  • Information Technology - Allow us to send Signals.
  • Communication Technology - Giving information Exchange.
  • Bio-Medical technology etc. - Create tools to treat disease.

Technology- If we divided technology into two words Technne and Logos

It is a Greek word. Technne means "skill required to create something"

And logos means "Knowledge" about something.

So the Technology means "To create something with knowledge which full-fill our requirements".

Technology is the advanced version of scientific knowledge to produce new tools and new devices that can be used to provide different circumstances or can be employed further to create more gadgets. The application of information to design machines and other goods to make life easier for the human beings is known as technology.

Mobiles, cars, laptops are best examples of Technology.

Scientist develop and research to come up with newer things. Technologist used their ideas and make a device. With the use technology people are grown exponentially. Without this they can’t do anything.

Like we all know that "The Smart Phones" connect each other. The cars, microwave, air conditioner, refrigerator, laptop, printer gives all comfort of Human beings. Technology also maintain a balance between the science and environment to lead a peaceful and happy life.

  • Positive Impacts of Technology

Here are some of the positive impacts of technology on different fields:

1. Transportation Facilities

Technological advancement in transportation is one of the important key areas for a country to progress economically and exponentially. It has helped to keep a good relation trande between various countries. Technology has proved to be best in road, water and air transport by facilitating smooth flow of goods and people.

2. Improved Agricultural Tools

Agricultural biotechnology has opened up the possibility of growing crops in the desert, which is today considered as a miracle. Use of modern gadgets, improved irrigation systems, cooling facilities, genetically produced plants, etc.

3. Longer Lives as compared to before

The average life expectancy has increased due to advancements in health and medicine sector. Introduction of various medicines, tools and techniques have led to better healthcare donation for improving the lives of people.

  • Negative Impacts of Technology

1. Social Interaction

People are far away from the real world due to technology. This results in mental stress and depression among people. Nowadays, people are so engaged in the fake world. Now we all hear that the PUBG game are depressing the student and due to this many lives are gone.

2. Impact on health

Nowadays people are suffering from anxiety, depression and phobia due to highly usage of technology. This also leads to physical, mental, social and emotional disturbances. Children these days prefer watching TV rather than outdoor activities.

3. Degradation of Environment

The technologies that we are using in our daily life consume a lot of natural resources and power. Air, water, land and noise, pollution is caused by unwanted use of technology. Industrial companies that manufacture electronics emit toxic fumes into the air resulting in air pollution.


Technology improved our lifestyles and exponentially grown. As we know that sometimes it damage the environment but apart from this the advantages is more.

For more such article visit :- Technology Moon