Metal finishing by powder coating is superior and where it is applied?

Author: Hitech Coating

Why is powder coating superior?

Powder coating has emerged as a superior replacement to conventional painting, and the new technology is applied on virtually every metal object that needs finishing. The powder coating process uses a mixture of resin and finely grounded pigment particles to make the coating compound or powder. Metal finishing is done by spraying the powder by electrostatic ally spraying on the object or surface. The powder particles actually stick to the electrically grounded metal surfaces and the powder heats an fuses on to the object with a smooth finish.

Advantages of powder coating

Epoxy powder coating services are widely used by both small and medium size enterprises to give fine finish to their metal products. Epoxy is actually the base material or end product of a resin and the epoxy resin is used as an adhesive in the process of powder coating. Powder coating is far superior to liquid painting on many counts.

  • Paints cannot give the fine, soft and smooth finish that powder coating can give because the coasting is done by using finely powdered material and resin to fuse on metal objects. Paint on the other hand use a solvent to dissolve it and apply on objects.
  • Paint is likely to run down while painting and spoiling the chances of smooth even finish
  • Epoxy coating is more durable than paint and is designed to serve for a long time and keep the metal finish at optimum during the period
  • In powder coating there is no environment unfriendly solvents such as found in paint, hence are absolutely safe for environment

Epoxy powder coating services are available for outsourced metal products and as an entrepreneur owning a small or medium manufacturing unit uses it effectively to enhance the looks and quality of the products. Powder coating is applied on a variety of applications and they would include the following:

On appliances: a variety of products that are used in home appliances have metal finishing by powder coating. These would include refrigerators, microwave oven, dish washers, water heaters, washer tops or lids, and many others

On automotive parts: wheels, bumpers, door handles, hub caps, truck beds, filters, radiators, several engine parts, and on decorative trims.

On Architecture and construction: windows, window frames, doors, modular furniture, light poles, fencing, posts, signs, guardrails and so on

Everyday products: it has infinite number of products such as electric and electronic equipments, golf clubs, farm equipment and accessories, vending machines, store fixtures, cabinets, metal toys, cribs and strollers and so many others.

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Contact Information

Address:- Hitech, Unit B, St. Helens street,

Leeds, LS10 1AL,u.k


0113 234 0909

0113 244 1431
