Work Smarter with E-Gov Link Asset Management

Author: E-Gov Link

E-Gov Link helps local governments get the most out of today’s technology by simplifying Asset Management.

Maybe you could use help streamlining a work order process, or remembering when a roof was replaced on one of the seven shelters you manage. Or perhaps you need a good system intact to be sure your vehicles or maintenance equipment is getting all the love, or preventative maintenance needed to avoid bigger problems.

Here are some solutions E-Gov’s Asset Management can bring to your department.

Preventative Maintenance

Stay ahead of building and equipment repairs. E-Gov’s Asset Management enables you to stay updated on necessary routine maintenance, for example:

  • Lawn Mowers that need occasional preventative upkeep
  • Vehicles that need oil changes
  • Rental hall maintenance, for HVAC maintenance
  • Office Equipment, such as copiers
  • Bathrooms in Parks and Rec centers that need upkeep

Most equipment and property need daily, monthly, quarterly or sometimes just annual preventative maintenance. Our system helps keep the entire staff current on the status of all assets you manage. Plus, with NFC technology incorporated into our system, you can pull up the history and current status of your equipment with the tap of a phone or tablet.

Better Preparation enabling best plan of action when issues arise

As we all painfully know, maintenance issues are like a teenager’s eye rolls, they just keep coming. So, when a roof at one of the seven shelters you manage leaks, or when a lawn mower breaks down for what seems like the hundredth time, it’s hard to know what the best strategic move is to do, unless you have quick access to documented history on your equipment. With E-Gov’s Asset Management you’ll be able to access critical information, instantly. For instance, you’ll know when the roof was replaced on the shelter that’s leaking, who did the work, and what the warranty covers. You’ll know how many times you repaired that particular lawn mower and if investing in a repair is worth the time and money, or if it’s time for a replacement.

Issue Work Orders/Service Calls

When a situation arises any member of your staff will be able to place a work order or service call from any location. For example, if a Park Shelter is having a plumbing issue you may get notified by a citizen, or a staff member may unexpectedly run into the issue while on location. Either way, the problem can be tackled immediately by any staff member, from any location. And the action can be documented so the entire staff knows what the plan of action is, when the issue has been resolved, and if it happens to be a recurring issue.

NFC Technology can take this system one step further

Let’s say you have a lawnmower that breaks down. If your equipment tagged with NFC chips you can use this technology to place a work order with the tap of a mobile phone or tablet that pinpoints what the issue is, which piece of equipment needs service, the location of the equipment and a full history of maintenance on that specific piece of equipment to help make the best decision for resolving the issue. Instead of having to look up serial numbers and contact other staff members to piece together the information you need, you’ll have it all with the tap of your phone. And any staff member can gain access to this documented and universal information.

How NFC is improving Processes

E-Gov’s Asset Management was able to significantly improve the maintenance process for one customer in tracking the life cycle of tools the client used daily. This client managed thousands of pieces of equipment that only had certification to be used a certain number of times before being replaced. The customer was using a "sharpie" method to manage the process.

In other words, they relied upon staff marking the equipment with a sharpie after each use, which was cumbersome, left room for human error and was messy. We significantly improved this system by assigning an NFC chip to each piece, and with a simple scan each item could be tracked and documented throughout its’ lifecycle. Since the information was documented and available for reference, it proved to be helpful for inventory control, which brings us to another benefit E-Gov’s Asset Management provides.

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