Can Spices Give Good Health Beside Taste in Food?
Food is the only source of energy for human being to sustain their lives. Our body constantly requires supply of essential nutrients to perform various functions. So, quality foods should be taken to get all the essential nutrients. The consumption of low quality food will lead to many diseases in the body. Most of the people are having only fast foods available in the market. These foods contain only few elements than actual requirement in body. It leads to development of deficiency diseases in body and people have to spend lots of money in treatment. This is why dieticians are advising the people to have balanced diet to maintain their health. Good health can be acquired by following a good lifestyle and eating healthy food. Let us see some food which can provide the essential nutrients to our body.
Sesame seeds are one of the most popular foods available in the market in India. It is healthy for people and used in various purposes around the world. Seeds originated in India and cultivated since the ancient time. It is eaten in various forms like roasting, toasting, and making dishes around the world. Oil is extracted from the seed which is used in making various cuisines around the world. Condiment made from the seeds is used to thicken the gravy and increase nutrients contents. Halvah- a special dish made from the seeds is used in South Asian region. Indian natural sesame seeds are eaten by the people to get the essential nutrients found in seeds. Nutrients found in the seeds are calcium, iron, potassium, selenium, molybdenum, copper, fibers, vitamins, and phytosterol. Adding the seeds in diet helps in preventing many deadly diseases like cancer, heart diseases, bad cholesterol, diabetes, Alzheimer disease, and multiple sclerosis. This is why people are adding the seeds in diet to get good health.
Spices are the soul of the Indian foods made in the country. It is impossible to make Indian cuisines without using quality spices during cooking. Spices add colors, taste, aroma and delicacy to the cuisines made from it. The different spices used in the foods are ginger, coriander, cumin seeds, cardamom, fenugreek, bay leaf, rosemary, pepper, nutmeg, and chilli among other. These spices contain essential nutrients which are essential in body. So, spice exporter from India is providing the products to the people around the world. This is why it is not only make food edible but increases the nutrient content by adding the spices during cooking.
The quality products of spices are used in industries for making various essential things. The spices are used in making quality pickles in the market due to preservative qualities. Pickles are eaten by the people during snack or meal to fulfill the essential nutrients requirement. Fresh or dried fruits are used in making pickles across the country. The pickles made from spices get special taste and preference from the customers around the world. Indian spices and pickles are exported to other countries as the demand is higher there. It is an ideal food for the vegetarian people to meet their daily nutrient requirement. So, the people are importing the pickles from this company to add in their diet.