Various Ways How Community Service Can Benefit the Students

Author: Elizaa Beth

If the parents want their children to excel in life, they should not only tell their children to hit the books or become a book- worm. But, the main essence of acquiring the education for a person is that the person should have moral values so that he may never refuse or to step back from helping other people. The children should not only be told to read the books but the feeling of self-volunteering for serving others should be cultivated in them by their parents and teachers.

There are numerous ways how community service can benefit the students. It can be seen as under –

  1. Helps in developing a richer perspective for the world – It is undeniable that the students develop mentally and emotionally when they start serving and working for the society. They develop in themselves the different feelings like compassion, sympathy, helpfulness. They feel an onus towards the people to work for their betterment. All these things help in inhibiting in the students a richer perspective for the world.
  2. Applicability of moral values in the real life – The students when learn about doing community service, try to apply these things in their real life. For example- if a student is taught not to throw the waste but instead of throwing it, the waste should be recycled. Then the student will collect the waste from different sources such as from industries or home and try to recycle it. This will be very beneficial to the society as it can help in waste reduction and will be economical for the entire nation.
  3. Global community and increased interaction – The students will develop in themselves the feeling of oneself and belongingness towards the fellow citizens of the nation. In this way, the whole nation people can be united. If this voluntary helping service is extended above the borders then the feeling of one community can be enunciated among people. This will help in forming one community or global community.
  4. Increased sense of social responsibility - The students will imbibe in themselves the sense of social responsibility towards the people of the nation. They will also act as motivators and direct the other students to target their services for the welfare of the people of the world.
  5. Personal benefits – The students who are offering various services to community on voluntary basis can derive personal benefits also. It helps the students in developing their personalities. The students tend to develop the reasoning power and the critical thinking power on a particular issue and also helps in physical development.
  6. Doing good deeds for others combat depression – It is apparent that if the perspective individual is working for the betterment of the other people, it will definitely be combating the depression and negative attitude towards life. By helping others, the students will stimulate in themselves the positive thinking and it will help in combating the tensions and worries among people.
  7. Combats illness and health issues – It has been witnessed that the people who perform voluntary services are tend to suffer less from weak health. And, it is seen among the adults more because adults have high depression rate so, if they will be rendering his or her services to the community it will lessen the illness and health issues. The adults will have lower mortality rate and it is evident from the statistical figures that performing these services have eradicated the cardiovascular diseases up to a great extent.
  8. The happiness effect – Working for the good of others will lessen the worries and tensions and will give happiness to the individual. The students can also feel happy by working for the betterment of the people. It has been seen among the people of USA that more the people of the nation are involved in the community services, more elated they are as specified by the London School of Economics.

9. Advancement in career – Volunteering can teach the student various skills like problem-solving, teamwork, project planning, task management and many more. These skills will help the students in getting successful in their careers. The students will get to know where they are lacking in respect of the job skills and the employers will also get to know how to boost the morale of employees by engaging them in voluntary activities.

10. Fulfilment to the life – Doing voluntary work can be exciting and relaxing. It will help the students in getting escape from the day-to day routine of work, school or family. It will help the students to be creative along with excelling in their academics. It has been seen that many people do voluntary services to break their boring routines and schedules. For example, if the person is working as an administrator, he may get bored by sitting on the same desk daily. Obviously, the initiative to plant trees will appear interesting to him like a change from the boring life. In the same way the students will feel fulfilled and cheerful from breaking their daily routine and they will learn something new.

So, it is evident from the above written benefits of community service from which the students can derive the overall advantages in all spheres of life by helping and working for the wellness of others. The students should be taught the virtues and moral lessons like "throw Kindness like Confetti", "doing good deeds for others come back in various ways".

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