How Exercise will Give Your Skin a New Sheen
Everybody knows that exercise is good for you and you should work out regularly, but there is one benefit to exercise that not many people know about! That is it will give your skin a new sheen! That’s right. You might not believe it, but it’s true. There’s a very simple reason for this. When you work out, your body produces more hormones that will help heal your body and make it grow. This includes your skin. These hormones will repair your skin and make it seem younger. Exercise will also increase your body’s ability to circulate oxygen, which will also rejuvenate your skin. There are many exercises you can do to get this benefit, including sprint interval training, which is where you run at full speed for 30-60 seconds and then take a few minutes rest. SIT is well known to play a critical role in the elevation of crucial hormones like Human Growth Hormone which can help in so many ways. There are a couple of ways your skin will get a new sheen from exercise that we’ll talk about below.
Wrinkle Reduction
Wrinkles come about because your skin loses hydration and the cells begin to break down. When you exercise, perhaps through sprint interval training, more oxygen will circulate in your blood, which will stave off skin cell dehydration and breakdown.
Circulation Improvement
As we’ve discussed, exercise improves your circulation, and the more you exercise, the more your circulation will improve. Improved circulation will benefit your body in countless ways, foremost among them it will rejuvenate your skin by channeling more essential materials to the skin cells. Better circulation will also mean that your skin will look flushed and vibrant, as though you’re constantly blushing.
Stress Reduction
One of the best effects of exercise is stress reduction. Exercise allows your body to work out and release stress, almost like how a car’s exhaust releases carbon dioxide. Since stress flushes your body with cortisol and cortisol ages your skin, reducing stress reduces the amount of cortisol in your blood. This improves the vitality of your skin and has you looking much better!
Better Sleep
Sleep is the fundamental key to a healthy life and vibrant skin. Sleep is how the body repairs itself. During sleep the body releases a huge amount of growth hormone, which is the chemical that repairs muscles and tissue, like skin. The more you exercise the better you’ll sleep, and the better you sleep the more growth hormone your body will release. And, of course, the more growth hormone your body releases, the better your skin will look!
Bowl-Movement Improvement
Exercise also has the added benefit of improving the quality and consistency of bowl movements. Though this might not seem to impact how your skin looks, believe it or not, it actually does! Bowl movements release waste from the body, and this is necessary to flush out dead cells and useless materials. When you’re not moving your bowls often and effectively, these waste materials get clogged up throughout the body, including in the skin. So when you move your bowels, you’re flushing this waste out of your skin, and your skin ends up looking better!