Microsoft Excel Is Most Popular Commuting Software Program For Businesses

Author: Earn and Excel

Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet software application that enables users to store, edit and manage data inside of an array of table-like structures called workbook. A workbook uses a commutation of worksheets to arrange data inside a system or row and columns split into cells. Users are allowed to feed data or numbers into these cells, to develop easy ways to calculate simple or complex formulas. Users are also allowed to add objects, for example, graphs and charts into their workbook to graphically represent their inlayed data in numerous different ways.


Microsoft Excel has formulated a host of features for Excel users, including Excel IF function to get benefited from, since the program was first made. Features like, formulas, charts, graphs, sorting and filtering has made the task of entering, operating and displaying data within Excel a helpful tool, for a wide range of purposes. New features, including, pivot tables, import and export options and visual basic for Applications has caused the entire procedure of utilizing Excel simpler and increasingly customizable.

The IF Function

The IF Function is one of the very popular and widely used Functions in the Excel program by Microsoft. You utilize an IF statement to test a condition and to return one value if the condition is met, and another value if the condition isn't met. The Excel IF function is one of the program’s logical functions that assess a specific condition and return the value you specify if the condition is true, and some other if the condition is False.

Varied Uses of MS Excel

Excel let you do an array of things! A few of the things you can do are as per the following:

u Simple mathematical calculations, for example, sum, product, min, max, average

u Manage financial data to figure out profit or loss

u Work out a repayment plans for various rates on loans and mortgage

u Form an individual/family budget

u Graph data in charts

u Pivot Tables and charts to organize and filter data

u Build small applications called macros to automate the everyday task

Excel Importance In Businesses

Excel is maybe the most significant PC software the application used in the workplace and offices today. That is the reason such a significant number of employees and the prospective worker should know how to work on Excel sheets so as to enter or stay in the workplace. From the perspective of the employer, especially those in the field of information systems, the usage of Excel as an end-user, the computing device is important. Not just are numerous business professionals using Excel to do daily financial tasks in the office, an augmenting number of employers depend on Excel for decision support.

When all is said in done, Excel is a front runner in the spreadsheet product the industry with a market share assessed at 90%. Excel offers a capacity for spreadsheets of about a million rows by 16,000 columns, letting the user to import and work with the huge amount of data and get the faster calculation performance, than was possible before.