5 Things to Know Before Getting Porcelain Veneers

Author: Nick Wattson

Porcelain veneers in New York is a good option to solve aesthetic problems of your smile. They are a wafer-thin layer of porcelain material that attached to the front surface of your tooth mainly to cover imperfections such as gaps, discoloration, or chipped or crooked teeth. You can go to cosmetic dentistry New York for this treatment.

They are preferred to hide severe extrinsic discoloration of the teeth that can’t be eliminated by regular teeth whitening in Brooklyn. Veneers are in use for a long time and proven to be an incredible option for treating a number of dental problems. However, there might be some other treatment options as well if you’re dealing with teeth imperfections and desire for a natural-looking smile.

They are permanent

Veneers are thin, custom-made ceramic/composite shells that adhere to the fronts of your teeth. They’re applied similarly to nail appliques and can last for decades if properly cared for. They can’t be removed once placed at the spot and lasts 15 to 18 year, maybe more if treated well. Porcelain veneers in New York are preferred due to their quality of being more resistant to stains than composite resin substance.


If you are assuming that it is going to be easy then you must read the entire procedure of getting veneers. You can find more information about particular steps your dentist will take during the treatment on various sites on the internet. In the first visit, usually, dentists scrutinize your mouth using different dental appliances and tools to ensure whether veneers are right for you. They might take necessary X-rays of your mouth in the first visit.

Following that, a little invasive step is taken by the dentist in which, they prepare your tooth surface for the veneer by removing a very thin part of your tooth enamel. Then a set of temporary veneer will be applied until the original one prepared in the lab. People who have minor teeth discoloration problems can opt for professional teeth whitening In Brooklyn.


Before getting veneers, you must know that there are different types of veneer offered by cosmetic dentistry New York. You may not be eligible for every type of veneer and this is decided after an initial checkup of your dental health and proper consultation with the dentist. Also, they come in different color shades and sometimes it becomes tricky for the dentist to select the right color that matches the natural color of your other teeth. So be proactive in color-selection.

Veneers are not for all teeth

While some people get veneers on all of their teeth but this is not always necessary as they are ideal for one or two teeth. They are a good choice for hiding stains, chipped, crooked, or mismatched teeth. If you want to enhance your smile appearance and want to achieve a dazzling smile, you may get veneers.

Caring for your veneer Veneers are similar to teeth. They can chip and crack, so people need to be careful when wearing them. While they can stand up to normal wear and tear, some considerations need to be taken. Porcelain veneers can be a little expensive thus this becomes even important to take good dental care to keep them intact.