Measles: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment.

Author: Vikas Mittal

Measles is a viral disease that can spread very rapidly and is caused by rubeola or morbilli. It is an endemic disease, meaning it is continuously present in a community due to which many people develop resistance against it. It is quite an unpleasant condition in which a person passes within 7 to 10 days if they are not treated properly on time. However, after vaccination against measles, a person can develop immunity for the rest of the life and it is very unlikely that a person would be trapped by measles for the second time. In this section, we will discuss the causes and symptoms of measles. Treatment of measles is discussed along with it.

Causes of Measles

As we have already highlighted that measles is caused by rubeola virus and it stays in the mucus of the nose and the mucus of that of the throat in children and infants.

The infection can spread through:

? Physical contact with an infected person

? Being near infected people if they cough or sneeze

? Touching a surface that has droplets of mucus and then bringing your hands closer to your nose or rubbing your eyes

The virus remains active on the surface of anything for about 2 hours.

Symptoms of Measles

The symptoms of measles include fever accompanied by any one of the three C’s:

? Cough

? Conjunctivitis

? Coryza, or running nose

Other symptoms of measles include:

? Runny nose

? Dry hacking cough

? Swollen eyelids or inflamed eyes

? Watery eyes

? Photophobia, or sensitivity to light

? Sneezing

? A reddish-brown rash

? Koplik’s spot or greyish spots with bluish-white centers in mouth

? Generalized body aches

In childhood, many infants develop rashes and people can confuse them with measles.

In some cases, a child should see a doctor if:

? A parent suspects that the child is developing measles

? Symptoms do not improve

? The fever rises above 38-degree centigrade

? Other symptoms may vanish but fever persists

These are some of the most common symptoms of measles.

Treatment of Measles

There is no proper treatment to cure measles but doctors still give some measures to prevent measles:

? If a child’s temperature is too high then he must be kept in a cool place but not very cold.

? People should avoid smoking near the child

? Sunglasses or keeping light dim can help and give comfort as measles are hypersensitive to light

? If there is crustiness near the eyes then wash or clean it with a warm cloth

? A fever can lead to dehydration so drink plenty of fluids

? A child if has developed measles must be kept away from others as to stop spreading of measles

? If a child has vitamin A deficiency and is below 2 years of age affected with measles then start consuming vitamin A supplements, only if doctors recommend.

These are the causes and symptoms of measles. Along with it, we have also highlighted the treatment of measles. For more health and beauty-related tips, follow this section closely.