What Happens During Surgery to Implant a Pacemaker?

Author: Deepak Goyal

What Happens During Surgery to Implant a Pacemaker?

The doctor will first make a small cut in the upper chest and locate a vein. A small puncture is made in the vein, and the leads, long flexible wires, will be guided down the vein to the heart. The surgical team monitors the placement of the lead using a large overhead monitor called a fluoroscope. This is a kind of moving x-ray picture. The leads must be placed in exactly the right spot for best results, so this is often the most time-consuming part of the operation. Once that is done, the doctor will test the leads to make sure that they are in the best position to deliver energy to the heart.

After the leads are in place, your doctor might ask you to go through some simple maneuvers, such as taking a deep breath or coughing vigorously, to help assess the stability of the lead. Then, he or she will make a "pocket" by separating the skin and underlying tissues from the muscle beneath the tissue. After the pulse generator is connected to the leads, it is placed in that pocket.

Once the device is in place, the doctor will sew up the incision. Many people just notice a small scar and a small bump after the incision heals. However, in people who are very small or thin, the device might stick out more. If you are worried about how this might look, talk to your doctor. In some case, the device can be located somewhere that will be less noticeable.

The length of the surgery depends on what kind of device you are getting, as well as your specific anatomy and the time takes to locate a good position for the lead. Implanting a pacemaker can take a couple of hours.

What Happens After The Surgery?

Right after the surgery, you will be taken to a recovery room.You may experience some tenderness at the implant site for a while.You may stay in the hospital several hours or several days.You should discuss the specifics of your case with your physician.

In the period after surgery, follow all of your physician's instruction carefully.Above all, be sure to report any redness, soreness or tenderness around the implant site.If you are already back home when you notice redness or soreness around your scar, call your doctor immediately-do not wait for your next appointment.

How Long Will It Take me to Recover

It is difficult to be specific about your recovery because every patient is different.Follow your doctor's instructions carefully.Your activities will be restricted for a period following surgery.Your doctor is your best source of advice on the subject of resuming your normal activities.

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