Top 4 Signs of Rubber Quality That Analytical Testing Lab Can Identify

Author: Umesh Gupta

The performance of rubber in various products may depend on its quality. No matter how perfectly designed the rubber product may seem to be, it is necessary to check its composition. This is where the resistance of rubber needs to be checked. But, there are many aspects of rubber testing which cannot be checked manually. Hence, in order to get a detailed report on performance of rubber, analytical labs have to be searched. In fact, the signs of quality which the rubber testing labs can identify are definite and totally factual.

Here are top 5 signs about the potential assessment of rubber which lab personnel can tell you:

  • Amount of fillers in a specimen on burning the rubber:

    The lab experts burn the specimen of polymer to determine the amount of fillers in its composition. This is a sign of ash contents in rubber compounding material. Basically, this part of analytical test is aimed at keeping a check on material affecting on the quality of rubber. Besides, the rubber testing lab professionals also prepare a detailed report about the appearance of product its development and other features. Based on this sign, the assessment is clearly carried out through advanced measures in the laboratory.

  • Indifferent bulk density of the rubber:

    Rubber based products have different weight per unit depending on the purpose they will serve. The difference in the weight of the rubber also contributes to the performance of the product. Hence, morphology or bulk density is checked by the professionals in the rubber testing lab in a phenomenal manner. This sign offers manufacturers the report about a measure of crumb rubber’s bulk density in the product.

  • Elasticity level is determined on prolonged compressive stress:

    It is important to check the elastic properties of rubber by exposing its specimen to compression set testing. On determining the level of elasticity, the analytical testing labs in Delhi can help manufacturers know about the elastomers. These elastomers are essential for some applications where constant pressure/release is required. On the basis of this sign, the lab personnel, prepare the report about elasticity of rubber.

  • Functioning of the rubber while checking its safety level:

    In the modern lifestyle, products, specially, rubber based products are easily available for supplying. But, being sure about their safe composition is a matter of precise lab tests. Therefore, to be sure about the safety of the rubber, the best analytical lab should be contacted. The experts of rubber testing lab will offer you a detailed report about the level or safe functioning of the rubber.

  • It’s time to be aware about these signs of safety before selling or distributing rubber based goods to customers.