Difference Between a Good and an Average Standup Comedian
A comic is termed "average" due to their average material and not so prolific persona on stage, while the good ones spellbind us with their effortless stage presence and epic jokes but the biggest and most fundamental difference between a good comic and an average one is time. Every good comic was an average comic at some point, the amount of time they spent writing jokes and hitting open mics sets them apart. The key is developing healthy habits at the onset of their comedic career. A comic with good habits early on and an open mind that is ready to learn will do wonderful things with a microphone.
A good comic explores himself as a human being and his material comes from within himself or what he thinks is funny. Good comics have their insights and confidently exhibit them on stage, on the other hand, an average comic always thinks that he/she needs to be something other than who they are and try to turn themselves into someone that people might like. An average comic seeks inspiration from outside and finally when it seems like nothing "relatable" is left, they have to make use of all the overused premises, this is one of the most crucial things that make them average.
A good comic learns from his mistakes rather than getting sad or annoyed by the fact that he didn’t do well, they learn from every open mic. They gauge both victory and failure with a similar mindset and truly understand that there are no good or bad experiences in Standup Comedy, and bad experiences are more enlightening than the good ones. An average comic just feels bad about him, audiences and thinks that doing comedy is like trying to put water in a box made out of paper.
A good comic loves getting on stage and an average comic let his fear take over his love for stage. A good comic enjoys his time on stage more than all the applause breaks and an average comic solely depends on applauses and to feel good or bad about himself. A good comic is not afraid of saying things that are not even funny as he is secure of him being a funny person and embraces a few quite moments confidently; on the other hand, an average comic has this incessant need to be funny and thinks that he/she should utter gold every time he/she opens their mouth.
Ultimately everything comes down to what kind of a person the comic is? If the comic has patience and knows how to deal with failures then all the problems of material and stage presence are fixable. Lack of patience and a negative attitude towards failure is a common problem in any profession and for people in every walk of life and comedy is no different than life itself; everything fixes itself if one has patience, perseverance, and love for the art form.
Comedy Munch has the Best Stand Up Comedians in Delhi NCR. We offer the Top Stand Up Comedy Artist for Private Party, Intimate gigs, Public Shows and all the customized shows with your choice of material and comedians.