5 Dancing Tips For Beginners

Author: Riya Somani

Dance is something which can make you popular and on the other hand it can also make your soul happy. You need to decide the way you are going to utilize it.

Dance is a form of art which comprises of several movements reflecting not only aesthetic but also symbolic value. Choreography in dance differentiates the various forms from one another and depicts the origin of each. There are many categories of dance like theatrical, participatory, social, ceremonial, martial, sacred, etc. Some other human movements also have dance-like quality like the gymnastics, cheer-leading, martial arts, figure skating, etc. Dance is usually accompanied by music but it many cases there may be the lack of music and rhythmic movements are to be performed. One needs to feel the rhythm and indulge them self into the feel of it. It comprises of patterns, beats, rhythm, movements and most importantly the feeling of indulgence. Various dancing school in Pune provide classes and helps people to master this specific art form. People choose the form of dance they want to learn and try to master it.

Few basic dance tips that should be kept in mind for the beginners who want to learn this art form:

  • Try listening to music to find rhythm:

Most of the people initially begin dancing after hearing some music and they do start with small movements like foot tapping. People may intentionally or unintentionally start with dance and then move forward to learn it in a proper way. The most important thing about learning how to dance is by starting to listen to music. By listening to music, it doesn’t mean just hearing it but by starting to understand the expression of the music and to feel its rhythm. One must try to put forward a few steps for instance while listening to some music they are comfortable in. In this way, one can not only feel confident but will also develop a taste for music.

  • Always look up instead of looking down during dance:

The most common mistake that people make while dancing is, they tend to look down instead of looking up while dancing. Dance is a feeling and instead of looking down at the steps, one must try to feel the beats and dance so that it looks like that you dance with a feeling and not just out of compulsion. Looking up during a dance also demonstrates that a person is confident in their performance.

  • Try learning various types of dance:

In order to master a particular form of dance, years of dedicated practice is required but it is advisable to try to learn various types of dance because not only it takes less time but also beneficial. The best option to learn various forms of dancing is by trying to put a step forward with different forms of music that you hear. It will help to make learning an easy and fun activity for someone.

  • Have multiple dance partners:

People, especially the beginners, feel under-confident to perform with any random person and always try to dance with the known ones. But, it is said that dancing with multiple partners will not only help you to become confident but will also help you to learn various forms. Different people have a different style of performing art just like in the best acting school in Pune where various people have a different interpretation of the same form of art. By engaging with multiple dance partners one can learn the styles and can easily master various rhythms.

  • Remember to relax while dancing:

Dance is a form of a physical art form that requires movement. Through dance, one can easily perform and express themselves in various ways without any concern. At the same time, dance is supposed to be a fun activity and one needs to enjoy that. It’s not a chore that needs to build up tension in the body but instead, it needs to provide a relaxed composure to people. Performing dance reduces blood pressure, maintains body posture and helps in keeping people fit. It acts as a happy pill to reduce stress and be happy, So, it’s very important that people should first learn how to dance in a relaxed manner rather than putting much stress on this fun activity. Engage with various performers and learn from them the way they perform so that you can also master this beautiful art form.

Dancing school in Pune helps the children to be prepared in a very best way so that they can perform at their level best and have a great future ahead.