Benefits of Boxing and Optimal Health Routines

Author: Louis Gordon

There was a time when you had to be eligible or fit for boxing to get enrolled in a local gym and get your training for boxing. But ever since the gymnasiums have realized that a lot of people are enthusiastic about boxing but not all of them want to go to a ring and face a human opponent as most of them just want to pursue it as a hobby and most importantly as a fitness exercise.

Throwing a few quick jabs at a punching bag might not seem too hard, but if you’ve never used a heavy bag during a boxing work out then you are in for a big challenge. The heaviest of the boxing bags weight between 50 to 150 pounds. You can start from 50 pounds and when you feel like you have done enough and you are fit for boxing with a higher weight you can always switch to 70 to 100 pounds but it is always advised to start from lower weight.

Any exercise that requires this type of total-body the engagement just like running would eventually cause weight loss and strengthen your major muscle groups. Boxing against a heavy bag is one of the cardiovascular exercises that provide upper body, bone-building repetitive impact.

More and more boxing-style workouts are being introduced which is making punching bag become a hot fitness trend.


This boxing work-out style is very common these days as it takes only 20 minutes of work in total consisting of different exercises related to boxing.

Before dividing into a high-intensity workout like boxing, its important to spend at least five to 10 minutes getting warm. Which could include the following

  1. Jog in a place for 30 seconds
  2. Jumping jacks, 30 seconds
  3. Air squats for 30 second
  4. Shadow boxing, 30 seconds
  5. High Plank to Downward Dog for 30 seconds

This is just for warming you up.

After a warm-up, you can start punching your boxing bag in the styles that you like with an interval of 1 minute for each individual style like, Jab – Cross- Squat, Cross Punches from Dominant Side, Cross punches from Non-Dominant Sides, Side-Kick Punch Combos, Lunge-kick and Jab – Cross, Hooks- Dominant Side, Hook- Non-dominant side and Burpee with pushup – Straight Punches and hooks.

You have to do all of these with 1 within 1-minute intervals and they would add up to make 20 minutes in total.

It is not important that you work out for 20 minutes daily, you can work-out for an hour if you like, most of the people who love boxing exercises do it while listening to music as it motivates a person to push a little harder. There are many other styles other than mentioned above which you can do in your Interval Workout and the best conclusion out of all this is that you don’t need to be fit for boxing to do all that in a gym or at home.