How To Prepare Your Child For The First Day Of School : 9 Tips For Parents

Author: Surbhi Singh


For almost every child, the first day of school can be discouraging as children feel hesitant when going to some new place and see people they’ve never met before. This day of school is certainly a pause moment for every child.

On the contrary, preparing the child for the first day of school is much excitement for the parents as it is the child’s first step away from home or a transition to a new setting and friends.

Knowingly, it could be a little difficult for your child to settle in a new environment and schedule. Hence, mitigating the first-day uneasiness has always been a priority. Fortunately, with proper encouragement and planning, you can easily help soothe your child’s anxiety and prepare him/her for the first day of school so that he/she can easily adjust in a school regime.

To ease the process of preparing your child for the school, here are 11 practical and helpful tips:

1. Go For A Prior Visit Of The School:

Most of the schools encourage the parents along with their child to visit the campus before the term starts. Doing this, both parents and the child will become familiar with the school environment, location, and infrastructure of the school.

After the visit, you can discuss things about the classroom, grounds, lunch area with your child in advance to gather his views and compatibility.

2. Meet The Teacher

It is very crucial to visit and meet the teacher ahead of time. This way, both you and your child will get to know the teacher. This will also make the child feel comfortable with the teacher during school hours.

3. Practice The School Routine In Advance

Undeniably, learning how to get ready each morning for the school requires time and practice. For a better routine, you should rehearse the schedule beforehand by waking up your child at the right time before school.

Not only waking up, but you can also go through all the steps of getting up, dressed, fed, and out the door.

4. Train Them To Use The Toilet Independently

It is genuinely helpful for children to be able to use the toilet independently by the time they start school. You can also do that by using public toilets and explain that at school there are separate toilets for both girls and boys.

Also, train them for practical skills like opening and shutting toilet locks, pulling up pants before leaving the toilet cubicle, and for boys, using a urinal.

5. Remain Organized

Right from the beginning, it is irrefutably crucial to get into a routine of being organized, both for you and for your child. You can start by packing the school backpack with the necessary items together.

In the morning, it can be a great thing to start preparing lunches together as early on as possible. You can train them for more good and healthy habits early morning as early good habits last.

6. Observe Your Child’s Answers To Conversations About School

Ask your child about their feelings – both the excitement and the concerns about school, friends, teachers and new activities. When they answer you back, note if they react enthusiastically, or with confusion or anxiety.

This can help you discover how the child is doing in school. Remember not to overdo it as this can overwhelm him/her.

7. Try Best To Keep Things Clear And Easy

In the very beginning, the new schedule might be unacceptable for the little one, so keep things simple without pressuring your child to learn new things so quickly. Let him/her perceive what his/her schedule will be like.

Don’t forget to discuss the whole day activities daily, as this can make him/her feel school like a play and he’ll enjoy learning different activities.

8. Spend Time By Organizing Play Dates With The Child’s Friends

When children have other familiar children to play with, this can help make adjusting to the social aspects of school easier. You can easily organize such play dates in the summer holidays.

Such dates might bring the children closer and more attached to each other. Certainly, having friends around who know them well makes it much easier for them to learn and stay along.

9. Make Them Learn To Recognize And Write Their Name

One of the first things they’ll, moreover they should learn to do at school is to write their name on their work. The ability to spell their name is immensely helpful-- even more than writing it down on white paper.

Hence, make sure you start making them learn and get used to their name as early as possible.

With these proactive approaches, you can easily prepare your child for his/her first day of school. This early guidance is assuredly necessary and beneficial for every child. By any chance, you can’t make time to train your child, you should hire or hand them off to some caring and experienced teacher.

TheTuitionTeacher is a platform where we provide professional and experienced home tutors to help your child succeed and achieve his/her future goals easily. We at TheTuitionTeacher have been helping many parents who are not able to give proper guidance to their child due to their tight schedules.