Things you shouldn’t miss to carry on a Jim Corbett Safari

Author: Karen Gillan

If you love animals, a safari at the Jim Corbett National Park could be the perfect way to have a memorable time. Irrespective of when and how long, here is a list of few things you must carry with you while on this thrilling adventure trip.

National parks and wildlife sanctuaries are the best places in today's technology-driven world to witness the exciting and mesmerizing world of flora and fauna. India has a rich heritage of flora and fauna that will encompass you with its astounding beauty and diversification.


A safari ride is an experience that is rather unpredictable and spirited. It is advisable to carry a camera that can capture extraordinary sights of the wildlife and its society. Camera charger and extra memory cards are also a smart move in case you choose to indulge in a few more adventure trips.


The thrill of watching a distant animal on the sly is something that is inexplicable. A pair of binoculars will help you observe elusive animals as they live their daily routine in their natural habitat. Track their movements, observe their habits, and be amazed with their way of life. Binoculars will make your safari trip all the more worthy and fruitful.

Hats and Sunglasses

Be sure to carry with you hats, sunglasses, and sunblock creams to protect yourself from the harsh and ruthless sun. These small precautions will make you comfortable while on the safari – an essentiality in order to make the most of this escapade into the wild!


The best way to capture every detail of your exciting safari is to make notes in a journal. By this way, the experience can be relived for a long time to come. While pictures can capture only moments and memory is susceptible to rusting over a period of time, your journal could help you live through the unusual and thrilling experiences all over again – anytime and anywhere.

Food and Snacks

It may be a bit of a challenge to find anything edible in the ambience of a jungle. While there are Corbett restaurants outside the safari zones, it is advisable to carry some food and snacks on a safari, especially when you intend to take up a long one.

Appropriate Clothes

Comfortable clothing that is in line with the weather must be worn on a safari. It is also advisable to carry an extra pair while on the move. Bright colours and even stark white must be avoided, while natural colours like khakee, light brown, or green are ideal for a safari outing.

Medicine Bag

A first-aid kit must be handy at all times. Personal medication, if any, must be carried too while packing for a safari. It would also be prudent to protect yourself from various diseases by bringing along some insect repellant and general antibiotics.

An Adventurous spirit

A safari is an experience that can be thrilling and liberating. It is absolutely essential that you set out on this journey with the right spirit of adventure and excitement. One must not forget to follow a few simple rules while in the animal kingdom. Littering, making noise, and disturbing the everyday life of these animals must be vehemently avoided.