Who is a Principal Investigator- A quick recap
Principal Investigators or a PI as he is called is a specialised engineer or a lead scientist who works in a well defined science or a research project environment. This may be a clinical trial or a laboratory study which is used synonymous to the head of a laboratory or a laboratory head a research group leader. This is not just for a particular project or research but on an overall basis.
Principal Investigators take direct responsibility for completing a funded project. They direct the research and report directly to the funding agency.
A PI may conduct small projects which constitute 1 to 5 people and he is the one who conceives the project or the investigation. In case the project is big he may be deputed as a part of the team for managing orders and to obtain the strategic advantage for the project.
Managing orders can be done effectively under a PI. He is a academic who works on grants from funding agencies. He also may be a contractor for a pharmaceutical company working on the efficacy and the safety of new medicines.
One order is said to be created when a customer completes the checking out process and has finalised what the customer needs to buy. This is visible by Admin and Shop Manager users only. Each of these completed and finalized orders are provided with a unique order Id.
Managing orders include the following:
- Pending orders – these are orders received but not yet paid
- Failed orders – Payment failed or was declined or have been unpaid
- Processing of the order – the payments have been received and stock has been reduced- the order is awaiting fulfilment
- Completed – Order fulfilled and completed – thus requires no further action
- Orders On-Hold – These orders are awaiting payment – stock is reduced, but you need to confirm payment for the same.
- Orders cancelled – These may be cancelled by a customer or administrator thus no further action required
- Refunded – Refunded by an admin therefore no further action required
- Create Order IDs - these are just like Postal IDs and are thus non-sequential. In case you need to have them sequential you could use a plug in.
An order also has a status that needs to be updated. This order status lets you know how far along the order is, this starts from pending and ending with complete. Thus the above order statuses are used, to define the position of the order.