How do after school programs help students?

Author: Flourish Education

There are now a variety of after school programs on the Gold Coast to help students with their after school activities. These are created with different goals that are designed to suit the requirements of different students, but are all regulated to ensure they meet with the governments and education department guidelines and child safety requirements.

Today’s quality after school, weekend and holiday break programs are aimed at increasing students learning time while providing opportunities that are more interesting, engaging and designed to stimulate while broadening their skills and interests.

Types of Programs

Programs are available from different sources such as public groups, including concerned parents and teachers associations, police and youth aid organisations, church based and other religious orders, programs coming from within the education department and programs that are based with private enterprise.

Some of the available after school programs are free while others charge a fee that can be, in part recovered through the currently available government child care subsidies.

These programs are created to meet multiple objectives of supporting learning and keeping students and young people safe as well as occupied in a positive and healthy environment outside school hours. These are times when they are often without parental guidance as many parents are restrained by their working requirements during these times.

Some of the programs provide for students with disabilities to help them feel more comfortable they fit in more easily in the mainstream education system.


Many schools are concentrating more on academic activities and with the high number of students and levels of paperwork teachers are required to complete there is now less time available for individualized in class attention for students.

After school programs can help by providing a platform where individual students can get help with understanding the specific activities of the classes they’re taking as well as to provide help with homework and assignments so they are able to gain a better understanding of the subject matter.

There are also many programs that provide activities that stimulate intellectual enrichment such as drama, dance, music and different art forms that are not available in many schools

Outside The Normal Curriculum

Some after school programs are designed to assist with the developing personal skills that are not dealt with in the course of the normal school curriculum. This includes supporting and developing a range of healthy psycho-social developments as well as the development of an individual’s character, personal identity development, a healthy level of resiliency while they appreciate the value of having higher aspirations and the drive to achieve a better standard of life.

This encourages young people to discover and understand the different possible roles they can have in today’s society and foster creativity, integrity and entrepreneurship.

Sports and Physical Activities

Some programs are devoted to sports and fitness activities which help develop a student’s self-worth and interaction skills, their physical development as well as the values of being part of a team effort and learning respect for others.

There is now a wide range of programs designed to cater for young people after school On the Gold Coast to help with their personal and physical as well as academic development. These programs are well regulated and provided by a number of interested parties.