3 Pain Fighting Powers of Essential Oils

Author: Casey Chesterfield

In a time of prescription pads and pharmaceutical profits, many have turned to the peace of mind provided by holistic medicine. While modern medicine is still necessary, having the option for traditional remedies can be a relief. And essential oils are at the top of the list for natural relief from pain and ailments.

The most important aspect of using these pain-fighting oils is finding the highest quality products and using the right combinations tailored to your individual needs. If you’re looking to start on an essential-oil journey to healing, consider a wholesale bulk essential oils supplier like Visagenics.

Still unsure how these oils work and which ones can help to ease your pain? Read on to learn all about the top three pain fighting powers of essential oils.

What are essential oils?

Before delving into the individual oils that relieve pain, it’s important to first understand where essential oils come from and how they work. Essential oils are compounds derived and extracted from plants through the process of mechanics or distillation. These compounds are fused with carrier oils (such as coconut oil) to be used by consumers.

The oils are then placed either directly on the skin for absorption or in a diffuser to be inhaled. The body’s limbic system is activated by the inhalation of various oils, thus affecting emotions, motivation, stimulation, etc. In the case of topical application, oils are absorbed by pores and hair follicles in the skin, and make their way to specific systems and organs.

Certain areas of the skin, known as pulse points, are thought to be optimal for absorption due to the warmth of the blood found in them. These areas are found on the temples, side of the neck, wrists, groin, back of the knee, ankle, upper region of the foot, and the sides of the lower jaw. Applying oils directly to these areas can increase their effectiveness (depending on the oil).

Which oils can combat pain?

There is a vast array of essential oils that target pain in the body, including peppermint, rosehip, lavender, evening primrose, clary sage, frankincense, and marjoram. Each of these oils has individual healing and relief powers, and are often combined to create a targeted healing approach.

For those looking for relief from digestive distress, oils like peppermint, ginger, and fennel are optimal. Other commonly used oils are rosehip, which contains antioxidants and anthocyanins known to reduce inflammation and joint pain, and flaxseed oil, with its omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids that contain anti-inflammatory properties.

For anxiety and stress, many turn to oils such as bergamot, rose, and jasmine. Need help with quality of sleep and anxiety-reduction? Give lavender, chamomile, or sandalwood a try. The key to finding the most effective oils is doing thorough research and creating the unique combination to target your specific needs.

Why companies like Visagenics?

Visagenics was founded in Bulgaria and based in Rose Valley. The conditions and climate found in this small country are optimal for oil-bearing flowers and herbs, making it an easy choice to create a home for essential oil production. The professionals at Visagenics use their own unique filtration process along with the latest in distillation technology to create the purest oils for their customers.

What makes this company unique is their elimination of the middle man. After their products were blended with low quality oils for profit maximization at the expense of quality, they cut out the production of oils for retailers and other brands, and began selling direct to market. That means that every batch of oils you purchase to ease your daily symptoms is guaranteed to be fresh from Rose Valley to your door.

Why wait to find relief from your chronic pain or anxiety? Grab some quality essential oils, and get to healing!