Growing Requirement of Multilevel Car Parking Systems

Author: Wohr Parking Systems

India’s urban population has been drastically increasing, along with the affordability of vehicles everywhere. Inevitably, this has already caused multiple issues such as traffic congestion, rise in pollution, scarcity of parking spaces, etc. that create even bigger problems for the citizens. In some areas, vehicles get parked on the roads due to unavailability of dedicated parking spaces and this group usually includes shop owners or nearby residents. This causes the roads to further narrow down and the vehicles passing by get stuck in a jam, or could even damage the parked cars or their own vehicles.

These growing pains of urban traffic congestion have only one viable solution: Multilevel Car Parking Systems.

What is a Multilevel Car Parking System?

Multilevel Car Parking Systems, also known as automated parking systems, are car parking systems that have been specifically designed to utilize verticals spaces, instead of horizontal, and make use of compact plot areas. These systems stack up cars on "multiple levels" one above the other using a platform that transports the car or retrieves it back for the user. The ideology behind it is to provide parking spaces for maximum cars in the plot area or space of just a few.

However, some multilevel car parking systems can also be conventional in nature. These are similar to automated parking systems where there are multiple levels on which the parking spaces are provided, and can be constructed above the ground or underground. These require the drivers to drive to his desired parking spot as instructed by the parking attendant, and similarly retrieve it themselves.

Automated multilevel car parking systems have a growing demand today, as traffic congestion indirectly hinders the sales of any business, with fewer customers walking in. Architects and builders find it extremely essential to implement these car parking systems in areas such as malls, multiplexes, colleges, metro stations, larger residential and commercial spaces. The amount of space a multilevel parking system utilizes with respect to the number of vehicles it holds is the most important factor for why they are a requirement today. For example, multilevel parking systems can accommodate 60-70 vehicles in the space of 3 conventional parking spaces, depending on the number of levels and the requirement of the project and area.

Automatic car parking systems also provide security and safety. The vehicles have no chance of getting vandalized or fall prey to theft, as systems can also implement security cameras for better surveillance and assurance of the safety of the vehicles. These systems are also extremely cost effective. This comes as a huge benefit to the builder/architect as they can focus on using the space and funds for multiple other reasons, such as a green space. A green space is where he may plant trees and contribute towards the overall sustainability of the city during such times. Also, these systems reduce the toxic gas emissions. As these systems are built vertically instead of horizontally, they also significantly reduce the land costs. These systems offer the builder a lot of flexibility that traditional parking spaces don’t, hence giving an overall advantage to the builder.

In India, these multilevel car parking systems definitely need to be implemented in every area possible. For a country that sells more than 15 lakh cars per year, the time isn’t far when traveling somewhere by a vehicle will take at least a couple of hours, within the same city! Putting these systems into practice will not only help with the ever-growing congestions within our cities, but it will also help us keep the cities clean. It will get rid roadside parking, illegal parking or any other haphazard parking practices that we have today that lead to major congestions everywhere. Further advantages of these systems are free flowing traffic, increased green spaces, reduced chances of accidents and vehicle damages, clearer roads for emergency vehicles and lesser emission of greenhouse gases.