How to beat Woodworm!

Author: Twistfix Ltd

The warm weather is revealing many infestations of woodworm and property owners are flocking to contractors for help. Stock up on powerful and effective Twistfix Woodworm Treatment Kit now with our fantastic price reduction to make sure your company can provide the best service in the most cost-effective way.

After gorging themselves on the inside of timber for many months (causing serious damage), the fully-grown woodworm is now a beetle and gnaws its way to the surface, leaving behind the classic small hole as it emerges that signifies a woodworm infestation. The beetles then mate and the females lay eggs just underneath the surface of the wood, starting off a new cycle of damage.

Before any timber treatments can be applied to protect the wood against further infestation, it is obviously essential that the immediate problem be taken care of. This is where the Twistfix Woodworm Spray Kit comes in – containing everything required to safely and effectively eradicate all trace of woodworm and beetles, the kit represents a comprehensive, cost effective solution, enhanced further by our current 5% discount.

The kit, which offers massive savings, contains 10x1L packs of our micro-emulsion insecticide which, when diluted from concentrate form, provides 25L of formula per pack; 250L of usable insecticide solution. A large mixing container is also provided, along with an adjustable spray application unit featuring an adjustable brass lance of professional quality.

Once a 1L pack of insecticide concentrate is diluted in the mixing container at a ratio of 1:24, the resulting fluid will be sufficient for approximately 75-100 square metres of surface timber on areas such as joists, rafters, purlins and floorboards. As it is such a powerful insecticide, Microtech Woodworm Killer from Twistfix is only intended for use by professionals under HSE Registration and is only available for delivery to the UK mainland. Standard protective gear should be worn and all necessary precautions taken when using this effective system.

Need information or advice about using the Twistfix Woodworm Killer Kits? Simply call 0845 123 6007 or email