Everything You Need to Know About Developing an eCommerce Mobile App

Author: Iweb Services
These days with the spread of digitalization, online shopping has become a spree. People are addicted to online shopping platforms, as digitalization has brought about a wave. Brick mortar stores have converted into fully functional e-commerce regimes, and people have taken to comfortable shopping at the couch of their homes. Amazon, Alibaba, Myntra, Snapdeal are all competitors on this same domain, while the physical shops have been reduced to hang out spaces. No one wants to stand in long queues before the trial rooms, and billing counters. This is where the e-commerce mobile app comes in.The Mobile e-Commerce App

Anyone would want to run a successful store with a lot of customers walking in daily. e-Commerce mobile apps can be used for the same, and it stands a better advantage even. One can have a global reach, and not even bother to travel the world, for marketing purpose. These days there has been a lot of demand in this sector, and a lot of startups are venturing into this sector. The future of e-commerce apps is bright with the expected integration of tools like the Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality. These will bring in options of virtual trial rooms, and other advances that couldn’t even be thought of in the previous days.

How to Go About Building An e-Commerce App

The first step to this is to define the business goals clearly, and then decide the platform – Android or iOS or both? What will be the products, what will be the targeted audience, and which brands are you targeting? After this, one needs to move to the next step – what would be the final features of the e-commerce mobile app? The features of the app will decide whether the revenue grows, or whether the money goes to the competitors. Here are the features that must be integrated into the system:

Simple Registration Process

This is exhaustive for all the customers, to repeatedly enter login data, and people may simply log off and uninstall the app if they are disturbed. One needs to allow log in based on social media accounts, which allows 2 minutes logins and saves time. This way, the personal preferences of the person can also be read and utilized to give the shopper a personalized shopping experience.

Multiple Pay Options

A lot of people would prefer cash on delivery, some would want card payments, and if you are going worldwide, then there will be a lot of different currencies, and cards to deal with. It will be disappointing if after making the purchases the person cannot access the payment gateway – plus you lose customers. To remain in business, the app must have different payment options, with utmost security. There also has to be an inbuilt app wallet.

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Push Notifications

This is a brilliant marketing strategy, wherein the mobile phone users are shown the personalized cart items that the customer has been saving, and hasn’t paid for yet. Constantly triggering the customers to make the purchase actually works. A lot of times customers seem to forget they have unfinished purchases that need to be made – push messages is an easy way to get through. These magic messages also help to get more customers – since the messages will be flashing discount rates, referrals, sales, promotions and offer – customers will keep coming back for more. This helps to bring in better profits.

Social Media Integration

It is important to bring in complete social media integration – one can take in all the attention of their customers with this method. Social media integration helps with the sharing of referrals, discounts, and other information, which brings in more customers.

Complete Synchronization

There has to be an e-commerce website and its synchronization with the e-commerce mobile app. One needs to bring out an experience that will be unforgettable for the customers. This needs to come in before the competitors launch it.

Google Analytics

One needs to find out how the app is performing on Google analytics, and fish out the real-time data – with the help of that, one can make the shopping experience of the customers better. You would need to know which products need better packaging, which products would make a delightful combo, etc. Google helps one understand these dynamics of the customers and indirectly helps to improve the customer experience.

Review And Rating

A wise businessman should be open to the idea of both criticism and praise – this would help the business to improve dynamically. One should empower the users and the customers to get through a clean review system. If there are some bad products or some faulty sellers, you could remove these people automatically. Every time a customer wants an improvement, work on it, and they do not remove the negative comments, but reply to them stating that the issues have been taken care of. This is a good gesture, and it helps with improving your brand name.

Wish List Button

This is a must have to help the customers keep a list of favorites that they might not immediately purchase, but will someday buy it. This is where the wish list comes in, it saves the product for the users to refer back to it at some point of time. You could easily know the preferences of your customers from this list, and use this for promotional push messages, or emails to keep your customers on loop forever.

Easy Check Outs

The customers have already spent their energy in the shopping, and it is obvious they would want a simple checkout system. Making the checkout easy to access is always positive – that ensures that the customer doesn’t abandon the site and leave the items in a cart. Making quick payment gateways and allowing fast transactions are the secrets to having a good business.

Things To Take Care Of While Building The eCommerce App

There needs to be easy navigation, UI/UX with right features, visual appeal, brand integration, and inventory management. Keeping in mind the goals clearly, defining the model clearly, and attracting customers with the referrals are the key points that one needs to keep in mind.

There are some key aspects like market analysis and buyer persona that also need to be considered – for better user experiences.

Source URL:- https://www.i-webservices.com/blog/ecommerce/everything-you-need-to-know-about-developing-an-ecommerce-mobile-app/