Types of configuration of Web sites, Online Stores and Store View in Custom Magento Development

Author: Ebiz Media Solution

To understand the different types of configurations that may exist in Magento: Multi-Store Configuration (have more than one online store and manage it from the same panel or administrator console), the types of views of our Magento store, the views in different languages, and how to make the necessary configurations in the store manager, we leave this explanatory article where our readers can solve all the doubts that may arise during the configuration process of eCommerce.

Management of the product catalog of your online store with Magento

We can import and export of the product catalog of our Magento online store very easily and quickly. We can upload the catalog at once. One of the most important aspects in any online store, is the correct visualization of the products by our customers. To attract them and finally buy them, Magento Development Services has a series of features that will help us achieve it.

  • Integration with Google Base (Google's online database).
  • It allows us to manage digital products (downloadable).
  • It has advanced rules for prices and support for special prices (discount vouchers, coupons, etc.).
  • Offers a layered navigation for filtering products within Categories.
  • It also offers layered browsing for product filtering within Search Results.
  • It allows the comparison of Products and the comments and evaluations by the customers of the same.
  • We can include more than one image per product, and have Zoom-In options and focus them.

The administration panel that Magento has in addition to offering reports, analysis and studies about our online store, also allows us to manage from the same site transactions, orders and timely documentation that occur during the development of our activity. The best part of hiring professional Magento Development Company India is that we get to know about each quality services that it provides, and our online store gains the authentic looks.

Sales: You can check the transactions that occur at all times.

The Magento administration panel also allows us to view the orders (order lists with references and specifications - customer, date and order status) that occur in our online store at all times (email notifications of each order). In this way we can know and inform the client about each step of the sending process - pending, processing, on hold, complete, closed and canceled - in a simple way. This is one of the best part in Custom Magento Development services. It also allows to issue receipts, invoices, delivery notes, etc.

Inventory management and Purchase management

Magento has very good options for stock management, since they allow us to easily export, import and manage the inventory of our online store. In this way we can update the inventory at any time and place to know the products that enter and leave our online store. Magento provides support for a multitude of payment methods and extensions for their configuration. Magento Development Services allows us to integrate the collections in our online store with a single click and / or create a billing program for payment in installments or after the sale.


If we search for the best or top mobile app and web development services, the most promising and leading name that comes first at mind is Ebiz Mobile Solution. Through our past successful projects and still growing client database with 100 percent positive feedback we have now become one of the trustworthy Custom Magento Development Company in India. We have achieved this place not only because we do care of our customer’s need, but also our customer gets what they needed.