The best ways to tow a vehicle safely
A car crash sometimes happens when you are near the house, on the highway, or in the deep countryside. Towing a car can be dangerous if it is not done properly. But who will come to tow you? What to do and who to call? If the car goes on strike and cannot be made operational again on the spot, there are only two options: Either one uses professional help and calls a towing service or one goes to the action itself. But a car in tow to take is a chapter in itself. Therefore, fixed rules were issued, which must be adhered to in every case. Read these most important towing tips.
A car breakdown costs nerves. But it should stay that way. To avoid damage to the vehicle, not to endanger other road users and not to come into conflict with the legislator, there are some crucial rules to follow. In many cases, the towing process begins with the search for the thread for the towing eye. For optical reasons, it is hidden behind a plastic cap on most new vehicles, which must be removed carefully with a screwdriver. The towing eye is then usually in the tool kit in the trunk.
Most suitable for towing are commercial nylon ropes, which stretch and therefore catch jerky movements. The rope may not be longer than eight meters, optimally five meters, and must be made visible in the middle by a red flag for other road users. Professional breakdown helpers generally use tow bars. Whether with a rope or rod, the permitted pulling force must not be exceeded. Recommend before riding professionals both vehicle drivers, understanding characters to agree or via the mobile phone in conjunction to stay.
The start must be done gently and the rope should always be kept taut. Tempo 40 is the absolute upper limit when towing. When towing with rope, however, a maximum speed of 30 should be driven, otherwise the back man in an emergency braking, the collision is difficult to avoid.
The hazard warning lights may be switched on, but changes of direction must then be indicated by hand. In the dark, both vehicles must have switched on the rear lights or emergency lighting. When the vehicle to be towed the gear is taken out. Specialists point out that vehicle with the automatic transmission or four-wheel drive in many cases may not be towed. Here is a look at the user manual. In any case, so that the steering wheel lock does not lock, the ignition key must remain in the ignition lock. Basically, a restrained driving is required, because with the engine off the brake booster and the power steering does not work and the steering and braking are associated with a significantly higher force.
On the highway may be towed only to the next exit, on the highway there is no such restriction. Theoretically, it is thus possible to tow the vehicle across Austria. For your safety, however, the journey should be kept as short as possible and lead directly to the nearest workshop or garage. Traffic, narrow streets or steep slopes and gradients should be avoided.
Who to call exactly?
With roadside assistance: Are you a member of a roadside assistance service? So, you surely have a sticker or document with the number to call when needed.
It will not cost you anything to tow you, and the company will dispatch the call to the towing company closest to where you are, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Without roadside assistance: You will need to find a towing company that serves your area. For example, you are in the Cupertino, California, and then you need to find the Cupertino towing company or in the Mountain View then find the Mountain View towing service. If you have a smartphone, it will be pretty simple. Otherwise, call 411, and we will suggest company names to contact. Note however that you will have to pay the tug on the spot.
In addition, if it is evening or weekend, it will be more difficult to find a tug available.
If you do not have a phone, look for a phone booth or ring at the door of the nearest house, or ask a passerby to lend you his phone or call for you.
What will happen next?
You may have to wait in your vehicle for a while, depending on the level of traffic or where you are. The more remote you are, the fewer tow trucks available near you. On the other hand, if you are in a precarious situation, such as in the middle lane of the highway or caught in a snowstorm at -30 ° C, you will be sent someone very quickly.
No matter which company tows you, you will be able to choose where you wish to be dropped off with your car, within a certain radius of the breakdown site. Once you reach your destination, you will have to go back home.