Effortless ways to market your matrimonial business online

Author: Narjis Infotech

In today’s age, the contributory factor for marriages is not rendered only by our good wishers & family, it’s the matrimony website aided by quality matrimonial software assists several marriages.

Whether a match gets made in heaven or not, it surely does on these sites.

Jokes apart, as per one trusted survey, the matrimonial business has already surpassed the mighty 1500 crore mark and it will go on to cross 21 billion by the end of this decade.

It is due to the constant surge in the number of internet & smart phone users. Also, arrange marriage culture & majority of the population under 35 are other contributors.

Why matrimonial sites are loved by the youth?

There are many rationales behind them, of which some are mentioned below:

? Advanced functionalities provide instantaneous results for matches.

? Charge of membership is not much expensive.

? Features are user friendly.

? Time saving option.

? Security & privacy

? Sheer ease of seeing several profiles from the app.

As the number of participants enhancing, there is a demand to promote business digitally as well.

We gonna discuss few methods for doing so:

Avoiding mishap, with App

If you go by numbers, India tops the list of combined downloads of Apps in ios & play store, And that so after outnumbering US(2nd place) & china(3rd place).

It facilitates with bots which inform the user about registration status and the upcoming meeting schedule with prospective groom/bride.

It is effective tool for getting started with a matrimonial business.

Apps increase engagement by facilitating daily updates of match making, they are also serves as a reminder, and decreases the costs of newsletters & SMS.

Content marketing

We are living in the time, when every word counts, using content strategies & maintenance services, you can up your rankings in search engine.

Frequent emails, e-news letter, alerts, interesting stuff & trivia with blogs can engage your prospects and stir interests among them as well.

Create a website

If you own a website, you can coordinate efforts with technology for getting launched in digital space.

For the very purpose you can opt for efficient PHP matrimonial script which can give better visibility. Before some years, one survey reported that there are only 2600 matrimonial sites in India.

Given this, we can understand that it presents the enormous opportunity for exploiting the potential that online platform offers.

Better yet, get your mobile responsive, customized site designed by expert matrimonial script provider.

It will ensure maximum traffic on site along with giving you tremendous control over operations.

Get done SEO

Irrespective of the niche or type, SEO is always significant in the long run for any given site.

The effort of several years & right skills are needed to nail down the ranking of keywords specific to site along with the brand name on the SERPs.

It not only serves with traffic boost but also improves brand awareness and publicity.

Support of good SEO company can facilitate you with thousand of visitors in a short time.

Exploit the best medium

As you are already aware, videos are the best option when it comes to effectiveness.

They are a powerful medium comparatively, while doing marketing.

They can transmit information, feedback, trust, engagement, sales & click-through rate on E-mailers.

Want else?

Likelihood of people seeking your website hikes several times if you are publishing relevant videos on site.

It could be of successful stories or explainer type, latest app launch, all of which can be shared on social platforms.

Use the SMM

In the recent past, renowned website shadi.com unleashed the game on their social media, which was basically resembling its name with the prominent game "angry birds"(angry brides)

The objective was to spread sentience about the notorious dowry.

This initiative was hailed by around 6 lakh people belonging to more than 35 countries worldwide.

Long-time before, one matrimonial website allied with renowned Marathi actor for appointing her the face for their overseas social media campaign.

They disclosed the association on social media where brand surged to new avenues, along with driving hefty traffic & leads on matrimonial site.

Exploit SEM

Together with SMM & SEO, formulating an SEM strategy help you go a long way.

If you want to grab the eye balls instantly of your targeted audience, PPC can do miracles for you.

The co-existence of timing, content & cash for the PPC ads braces the campaign efforts & prove to be result oriented.

A skilled team of experts together with ready made matrimonial script for your portal can assist you to bring about awareness, sales & leads by executing perfect strategies.