A Helpful Guide to Selecting a Corsage for a Special Occasion

Author: Lynda Tatara

Corsages and Boutonnieres are essential for special occasions such as weddings, proms, and graduations. A corsage is usually paired with a boutonniere and they consist of flowers with colors that match or complement each other. This guide will explain how to buy a corsage from a Boynton Beach florist along with other basics that you may want to know:

What is a Corsage?

Corsage refers to a small bouquet of flowers that are worn on the wrist or pinned to a dress. The word ‘corsage’ is a French term meaning bodice of a dress. It symbolizes respect and attachment. Corsages are quite popular at various formal occasions.

What Corsage Should be Purchased?

You could be offered a variety of options when purchasing a corsage. A professional Boynton Beach florist will show you photos of different kinds of corsages at different price points, however you could use your creativity and work with your florist to create a custom corsage as well. With corsages, the possibilities are endless.

One of the important things to consider when purchasing a corsage is the attire worn by your date. A corsage and boutonniere should complement their outfit. Choose flowers, ribbon, and other accessories to make it unique and personal.

When Should You Buy a Corsage?

Plan well ahead of the event date and order a corsage either from a flower shop or the florist’s website. This would also provide sufficient time for the florists to create the best corsage that exceeds your expectations.

If you are considering a custom corsage, drop in or phone at least one week in advance. Make sure the flower delivery in Boynton Beach sends the corsages to you at the right time so that the flowers will remain fresh. Place the corsage in the refrigerator until it’s time to leave, for the petals to look fresh and vibrant. Never place it in a freezer or leave it in a hot car.

How to Wear a Corsage

Traditionally, corsages are worn on the left side of the outfit or on the left wrist. A boutonniere is normally placed on the left jacket lapel.

An experienced florist will help you out in choosing the right corsage or boutonniere for your special occasion. Get in touch with the leading flower shops in Boynton Beach to buy one.

Beyond Corsages

Trends today include floral decorations for the hair, either simple or over-the-top. Body flowers that drape around the neck or swirl down an arm are eye-catching and creative. Speak with your florist to create a memorable, beautiful design to truly make the occasion special!

The author is working in one of the leading flower shops in Boynton Beach and has experience in offering a range of stylish corsages and body flowers. She explains some useful tips regarding corsages and boutonnieres in the write-up. For more, visit https://www.blossomshoppeflorist.com