How can you resolve BSoD error?

Author: Anaya Sinha

Blue Screen of Death or BSoD error occurs when your device encounters a fatal system error. The current running program will crash and you will get a blue screen with some error message. This error is also known as Stop error because when you get BSoD error your whole processes stop completely. BSoD error often occurs due to hardware default or driver error. When the error shows Stop message, your device tries to find out the root cause of the error. Sometimes your device automatically reboot after getting the blue screen of death error; for fixing the error you have to disable the automatic restart on system failure setting.

Top solutions for fixing Blue Screen of Death error:

The most important step to fix Blue Screen of Death error is to find what processes are going on when your device gets this error. You often get this error after installing new software, updating a driver or after updating the Window. Well, any kind of changes in the device can cause BSoD error. If you identify the query; you can easily fix it. Uninstall or remove the program you just installed in your device. There are good chances that BSoD error will automatically get fixed.

  • Undo the recent driver changes or registry
  • You can use System restore tool for undoing the changes:

i. Go to the start menu

ii. Click on the search bar and type System Restore

iii. Press the Enter button

iv. A prompt will appear on your screen

v. Enter your admin credentials

vi. Follow the on-screen commands and choose the restore point

vii. Hit the restore button

  • You can also get BSoD error when you have installed a program but you don't have enough space for processing. Check the free disk space and RAM.
  • The other cause of BSoD error can be a virus infection. The virus replicates itself and then spread all over your device which can cause an error during processing. If you are suspecting virus infection then provides a powerful scan with Norton Com Setup Product Key; it scans the whole device and removes all viruses from your device. After a full scan, restart your device and check whether your error gets fixed or not.
  • Outdated OS and software programs can also get you into this kind of error. You should update your Operating System from time to time. Updates provide fix patches to the OS and software programs. Go to the Programs and update all software programs in your device. BSoD often occur due to hardware crises. You should also update all the drivers. After updating the drivers; restart your device. Check whether the Stop error gets fixed or not.
  • Ensures that all the device components such as internet cables, cards, etc are working properly. Check your power cables, system memory, hard disk, and all other components.
  • A good method for fixing BSoD error is using your device with essential hardware only. Shut down your device and restart it with minimum possible hardware which needs to run the OS. If your device is working perfectly it means the error is caused by one of the removed hardware. Use hardware one by one and check which hardware part is causing the error.

For preventing Blue Screen of Death error, you should always keep your device components in good condition. Always keep your firmware updated and secure.

Also read - Benefits of Avast antivirus software.