Is Facebook Still a Popular Choice for Social Media Marketing? How Effect is it now?

Author: Jori Braham

Yes, I do believe Facebook is still relevant and a popular choice for social media marketing as its reach is incomparable and is still growing exponentially. Especially in advent of the soon release of its crypto-currency, Libra. At the time of writing, Facebook still has over 2.41 billion active users all over the world. This shows that Facebook in 2019 is still very much alive.

Facebook, despite many rumors, still has the largest reach for online social platform users and is the ideal tool especially for B2C businesses with:

Facebook users being 53% female and 47% maleAn average Facebook user having 155 "friends"77% of college graduates on Facebook77% of adults in the US making over $75,000 a year being on Facebook81% of 18 – 29 year-olds on Facebook78% of 30 – 49 year-olds on Facebook65% of 50 – 64 year-olds on Facebook56% of online Seniors aged 65+ on Facebook

More importantly it’s a place where marketing to an audience is easier and potentially more profitable than it’s ever been. Facebook’s model as the place people go to connect with friends means people will use it as a trusted platform. Perhaps even a platform they use more than Twitter. All of the above means Facebook is a much more reliable marketing tool when attracting the average person.

How do I market on Facebook?Facebook makes marketing incredibly simple for it’s users. Never before has it been so easy! Businesses can have more in-depth interactions with their clients.

The first thing you need to do is to build your page.This is crucial. Tell your audience who you are, what you do and where you do it. If you have any regular clients which you maintain friendly cooperation with, do not feel afraid to ask them to give you a positive review. That will get the page off to a great start. Every person that likes your page will now (unless they opt out) be able to see your updates in their newsfeeds, allowing them to regularly see what you’re offering.

Now it’s time to build that audienceOne effective technique when starting out is inviting your friends and family to like the page. Facebook has a function that lets you do this to all your friends in one click. You can also then encourage your staff to do the same.

Facebook employs a snowball effect called ‘edgerank’, this means every like by a follower can potentially be seen by that follower’s followers and so on. The more likes you attract the more you’re likely to attract, meaning more and more people can see your products and services. Facebook will pay attention if your popularity begins to trickle and even more so, skyrocket, and will do more to make sure you’re seen. Facebook will largely ignore pages that stagnate and do not receive regular likes and updates naturally, so it’s essential to stay diligent and keep at it. Constantly update older content to stay relevant.

Benefits of social media marketingMore and more businesses are discovering the value of social media marketing, but not all of them manage to make a success out of it.

Look at your competitors Facebook page and assess how well they are doing.

Are they regularly sponsoring content? This suggests they have a strategy in place and have identified a demographic. It means they are allocating budget to social media marketing and have realized its value.

Are they engaging with their prospective customers by answering questions, thanking them for reviews and liking observations?

Every time you interact with someone this a increases your edgerank -