Python Tutorial

Author: Akshay Akshay

Introduction to Python Programming

What is Python used for? Let’s begin with this Python tutorial to make you understand what Python programming is. We will start from Python basics.

As per Stack Overflow, Python language is one of the fastest-growing programming languages in the world. Forbes says that Python language has seen the 7th largest increase in demand in the past few years. Due to this, there is an acute shortage of skilled and certified Python professionals. Hence, job opportunities for Python programming have increased, tremendously. According to Indeed, the average annual salary of a Python Developer in the US is $123,000.

Learn python for beginners with this Python Tutorial:

Python language is one of the most popular programming languages of the 21st century. It is a general-purpose language and has been here around for over 20 years. Python Syntax is also extremely simple and elegant. With its gentle and gradual learning curve, Python is considered as the best introductory programming language.

Prepare yourself for the interview with these Python Interview Questions:

Python programming can be used to write an application using Tkinterwhich use graphics rather than text to interact with the users. Python language can be used to create games, using its modules such as Pygameor Kivy. Python can also automate boring stuff such as sending emails, uploading status on a Facebook account, and more

Python can also be used to experiment with computer vision using its openCV library. It is particularly used in robotics to enable the robots to see and avoid obstacles while moving.

Drawing complex graphs and visualizing the data can be by Python, using its matplotliband similar libraries. Being one of the top choices for data analysis, Python can also mine Twitter Data. How convenient is that! Especially, if you consider the fact that in today’s world there are literally hordes of data created every second.

Difference Between Python 2 and Python 3

Since the release of the new version of Python, i.e., Python 3, which is explained the most in this Python tutorial, there has been a bit of debate in the coding community over deciding which Python version is better. Whether Python 3 is better than Python 2 is a rather subjective question, and the selection between the two eventually comes down to personal preference. But, one must know how Python 2 and Python 3 are different. Python 3 is a fundamentally different version from Python 2

Learning python programming language is fun. If you compare python with any other language for example java or c++, you’ll find that it’s syntax is way lot easier. You also don’t have to worry about the missing semi colons(;) in the end.

Let’s say we want to print "Welcome to the world of programming." on our screen. Now, let’s compare the syntax for python and java

Python has huge career opportunities in the IT industry. Almost every other IT company, be it a startup or a Multi-National Company uses python for varied applications. So, if you have good expertise in python, you will be in demand for a wide range of jobs in different domains such as machine learning, cloud infrastructure, web-site designing, testing and many more.

Originally published at in the tutorial "Python Tutorial" on 17 Sept 2019