Purple Headlights for Eye-Catching Customization

Author: Wendell Mosqueda

Vehicle customization is a way of putting a bit of yourself into the car you drive. The cool look appeals to automobile lovers, whether for regular driving or for showing off at competitions and special events.

Manufacturers offer a wide range of colored bulbs for headlights customization to add a touch of color to car optics. Innovative bulbs that are road-certified make a difference; they offer a personalized look that still relies on safe white light projection.

Buy car lamps that are road-legal!

Car customization should be safe: this is the number one aspect to keep in mind! Upon purchasing purple headlights make sure they are compliant with traffic regulations. Reliable retailers sell colored lamps accompanied by manufacturer certification cards. High-technology advantages are not negligible either!

? Special lamp coating - The purple color of the headlights is given by a coating that gives the colored effect.

? More white light – Unlike what is generally suspected of colored car lamps, top quality bulbs provide more white light (up to 60% more) than standard lamps. No distortion in the white light pattern occurs because of the color shade. This is possible thanks to modern technological innovations that are now being used by major brands in the automotive industry.For more details about purple headlights click the link http://www.extremehids.com/9005-hid-kit-55w/9005-hid-kits-55w-ballast-25000kroyal-purple.html.

? Keep the certification card within reach in your car to present it to the police officer if you get stopped in traffic.

Colored headlights made of quartz-glass: a safer choice!

Purple lights personalize the ride, and you don’t want them to burn out frequently. Quartz Iodine (QI) head lamps are the solution. QI is a technology that now predominates in automotive lighting manufacturing.

? Quartz headlights are a lot more resistant to corrosion because they don’t allow moisture intrusion.

? The temperature of the light emitted is directly related to the color of the bulbs. However, the purple shade in quality QI headlights comes from a special coating not because of variations in filament temperature.

? Due to their higher resistance, quartz-glass headlights are able to withstand thermal shock. If you’re driving through heavy rain or even through water and one of your headlights unit has a crack that lets water in, the cold water touching the hot bulb would normally cause an explosion. This is the kind of thermal shock that a quality headlight can withstand.To know more about purple headlights visit ExtremeHIDs.

Style it your way - Practical tips!

Purple headlights are very popular with ladies, although women drivers are not the only market segment for such OEMs. They look great on pink, purple and even white cars. Yet, an expert’s advice is crucial prior to customization.

  1. Talk to a professional to determine the best way to customize your vehicle while keeping the customization safe.
  2. Compare between various kinds of colored bulbs.
  3. Purchase from well-known brands that offer certification for their products. Some of the purple car lamps available do not comply with safe traffic regulations.
  4. Check quality per price. Needless to say that great quality costs more. You could pay even $75 for a highly-resistant car bulb.

Colored vision looks great on your car. Yet, don’t rush into styling it up without seriously evaluating your options. Only certified colored lights comply with legal safety requirements. They may cost more than lower-quality headlights, but quality is worth the price!