Why you Would like to Choose VPS Hosting

Author: Caia Domino

In VPS hosting, a physical server is split into many smaller virtual servers with a software-based tool designed for this purpose. Virtual private server (VPS) web hosting offers a nice alternative, whose benefits fall in between shared and dedicated server hosting. It is an ideal hosting option for growing website owners. Here are five reasons why you would prefer to have your website hosted on a virtual private server.

Data Privacy

In this type of hosting, there will be many other users on the same physical server, where your site files are hosted. However, because it is split into multiple servers, the activities concerning others will not affect yours. Your data will be kept private from other users, and they will not be able to access your files or resources. As these resources and files will be kept under a secure partition, your data will be safe.

Dedicated Resources

Some website owners want to have certain server resources and will not want to share these with others. One way to achieve this goal is to choose a dedicated server hosting plan, but what would a business website owner do if that package is beyond their requirement. It could be too early for them to upgrade to that hosting package. However, with VPS hosting, they will have exclusive access to resources on the server, which other VPS users cannot access.


VPS hosting packages, especially those offered by a reputable web host such as HostSailor, are scalable. This simply means that you can start with a small package that you can pay for, and choose an upgrade as your business grows.

The last thing you want in web hosting is to move your website files into another server, just because your existing web host could no longer accommodate your growing site. By choosing a scalable hosting plan, however, you can avoid facing such a situation.

Complete Control

Each VPS has its own resources and does not depend on other web hosting accounts to share them. For this reason, you will have complete control of the virtual private server. As a VPS web hosting subscriber, you get the whole operating system for yourself, including access to its files and resources. This is unlike shared hosting, where the users are limited to the web hosting company-set configuration.


In terms of cost, a VPS hosting plan falls more or less between shared and dedicated server hosting. It is costlier than shared web hosting, but less costly, compared to a dedicated server plan.

Consider how effectively and easily a virtual private server tends to scale, and this makes it your most cost-effective web hosting option. You will not have to invest in the upfront expenses of a physical server, so you will take only what you require and will not overinvest in surplus capacity. By cost-effective, we mean you get what you pay for.

Why Upgrade to VPS Hosting from Shared Hosting

Usually, most website owners find it difficult to upgrade to a dedicated hosting from shared web hosting. A shared hosting platform is what most businesses choose in the initial phase of their business when they don’t have a huge number of visitors. But, things change when you become established with a number of visitors to the site increasing and the website itself growing. It’s at that point you realize you need a better web hosting. Continuing in investing in shared hosting even at that point will result in a low-performance website that takes a lot of time to load. Same way, it will be hard for you to think about investing a lot on a dedicated hosting plan too, just because your business hasn’t grown to afford one.

This is where a VPS hosting turns helpful. VPS offers a nice in-between solution to growing website owners. It stays in between VPS and shared hosting when it comes to resources as well as cost.

In case of shared hosting, if one user ends up using a resource-intensive application or if their server gets a lot of traffic, others users sharing the same server will have fewer resources to work with and will start facing issues. That means some applications may not work or your website could load slowly. That’s makes it not the best place for a growing website. With a VPS hosting, a physical server is shared, but each VPS has its own resources specifically for its use. To be clear, even if another website on the same server uses a lot of resources, it will not affect yours in any way.